These stories submitted by Janesheeba will be featured BizSugar's homepage

In this series I'm going to zoom out and talk about the really big stuff you need to be attending to in order to succeed with blogging. Read More
Home based business bloggers need to develop certain habits that are crucial for their blogging success. I have discussed five highly crucial habits in this post. Read More
Surviving a home based business is not always as you expect in the beginning. Let me put out some of the challenges and possible solutions in the post. Read More
So why do most home based businesses fail? While a lot of people have the guts and desire to start a business blog, what’s stopping them from making it a success? Here’s the big picture! Read More
Find out how you can use your email autoresponder for building rapport and connections with your list subscribers for good! Read More
In this post I discuss some of the features you need to look at when you are seeking an email autoresponder service. Read More
Blog post ideas occur to at any odd times. If not captured properly they leak out of our brain and are forgotten forever. Learn how to manage the idea leak out syndrome. Read More
What could be the reasons that someone is not updating their blog regularly?

I’ve asked this question myself several times. I see several blogs that are started with so much enthusiasm and then the passion fades off. And those blogs sit there un-updated for quite a while.

Here are some reason Read More
How to manage anger? If you're wondering here are 6 effective ways to help you manage anger so you don't have to stress out. Read More
Are you looking for an effective technique to boost your creativity? SCAMPER is one best technique that works perfect to make you more creative. Read More

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