These stories submitted by Mmangen will be featured BizSugar's homepage

85% of your marketing budget is wasted if you're not advertising to women. Fix this by attending The 3% Conference in San Francisco Oct. 16-17, 2013. Read More
Imagine you have 30 days to walk into a new company in a relatively unfamiliar industry and produce a plan for reshaping the marketing function’s strategy, structure, process and people. Read More
Our newest hero? Meet 9-year-old Alexandra Jordan, who recently unveiled her Super Fun Kid Time app at the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon. This is the future of tech! Read More
A new Twitter feature makes it more difficult to connect with celebs and influencers, also known as verified Twitter users. Here's the scoop. Read More
Unlike past scenarios, job interviews have become harder and harder. Employers have an abundance of very qualified applicants, many of them working with interview coaches to elevate their interviewing skills. Read More
Many creatives actually love the creative work they do. It’s what they’d do for free if they didn’t have to worry about the trivialities of bills. Read More
What if you had 30 days to create a plan to reshape a company's marketing division? Mitel's Martyn Etherington did - and at DemandCon Boston, he'll show you how. Read More
Most of the résumés employers receive either as hard copies or that are uploaded electronically reside in databases. If those databases were in graphic form, each résumé would resemble a lonely tombstone in a cemetery. Read More
The news of Livefyre joining forces with Storify is a big deal for anyone interested in investing in a content marketing strategy. Here's why. Read More
Small business owners struggle to make blogging a priority. And as a result, they're missing out on a valuable opportunity to better serve customers. Read More

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