These stories submitted by Mmangen will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Thinking of running a contest or giveaway on Google Plus? Before you dive in, here are some rules you need to know. Most importantly: don't. Read More
You work hard to bring unique promotional products to the marketplace every day. Ideas that help differentiate your customer from their competitors. At the same time, whether you are a supplier or a distributor, a little of that differentiation rubs off on you, too. After all, you want to be viewed Read More
Today’s B2B marketers need to know how content marketing feeds the new buyer’s journey and why you need a well-thought-out strategy in place to drive the sales and marketing engine. Read More
If you use WordPress platform, here are 5 essential free WordPress Plugins that can help boost your search ranking. Read More
The title of this article applies both to those who already have jobs and to others who vie for jobs. So, let’s think first about what it takes to hold on to a job versus getting a new one. Read More
Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and felt a huge disconnect, as if you were talking on completely different levels? Read More
There is much to-do about magnets lately. We wrote previously about the lawsuit filed by the CPSC against Craig Zucker, CEO of Maxfield and Oberton, Read More
Are you using Instagram as part of your social media marketing efforts? Here are helpful insights on optimizing Instagram images for better impact. Read More
Today’s weak economy has changed the psychology of hiring. During past weak economic times, companies might hire temps, and once the economy gained strength permanent hiring ensued. Read More
One of the best practices for self-mastery we can do is to learn when not to know something. Deliberately not-knowing prevents blunders. Read More

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