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With the ongoing uncertainly around Brexit that has engulfed the United Kingdom over the past several years, it would be no surprise for investors to be put off investing in property. However, despite the uncertainly, international investors are still showing keen interest in investing in UK proper Read More
If you want to be a successful business owner, delegation is a skill that you must attempt to master at all costs. By becoming more efficient when it comes to handing out tasks and allocating resources, you will be sure to maximize your workforce’s productivity and, in turn, you will stand a far be Read More
There’s more to attracting and retaining customers than just having great products and a stand-out brand. Customer experience plays an important role in whether consumers decide to make a purchase or come back to your business again. In fact, American Express reports that 17 percent of Americans wi Read More
Having a clean and comfortable office space is very important for any business. It can provide a positive first impression for potential clients and encourage productivity and professionalism to anyone who occupies the space. But most of the time, maintaining an ample office space can be very expen Read More
Typography plays a critical role in getting the pulse of the message right. The right font at the right place can often prove to be the differentiator between hitting the bull’s eye and missing the mark altogether. Read More
Contact centres play a crucial role in your customer experience strategy. What your clients receive from your company – both tangible and intangible – influence their purchasing decisions. Although most businesses outsource their contact services to other agencies, they need to choose their contact Read More
Software outsourcing is generally an arrangement made by a company to hire a data contractor from a third party to do the work related to software that could have been performed in-house. Nevertheless, the in-house creation of a full software application needs both money and time. And frankly, not Read More
If you’re looking for ways to increase your income or prepare for retirement, you’ve likely come across a lot of literature about the importance of investing. Investing is one of the easiest ways to increase your net worth, thanks to the power of compound interest. While it’s true that some savings Read More
Innovation is a necessity for rapid business growth. Some great innovation examples include mobile banking, IoT, AI, and even digital twins. In their own way, each of these innovations has shaped entire industries and brought about new business approaches. Read More
Despite what you see in the movies and flashy ads online, only about 10% of traders are successful. The good news is the other 90% tend to make a lot of the same mistakes—and you can avoid many of their pitfalls if you take some straightforward, concrete steps. Here are three ways to improve your t Read More

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