These stories submitted by Sonasathish will be featured BizSugar's homepage

A few years ago it was common to hear the phrase “a website is vital for your business” from anyone discussing the value of the internet. Nowadays everyone seems to have got the point, but times have changed and it’s now search engine optimization that has become vital for a business. Read More
This post includes 10 of the best business management tools and excellent pieces of softwares that will save time in offices and businesses of all sizes, from solo freelancer to large companies. They are not just for start-ups, but also for organizations that are well established. Read More
For starting web site you need to consider three things. First, you need to get a website. Second, you need to get web design. Third, you need to get web hosting. Read More
Kosmix is a six year old California based company which developed a social media platform that organizes content by subject. The buyout by Wal-Mart has been carried out so that the retail giant can take advantage of its social media and mobile e-commerce applications. Read More
I’m sure many if not all of you have hear of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean? Jack, also know as the Captain of the Black Pearl has appeared in several movies over the past couple years and has an upcoming movie coming out in the near future. Read More
One of the greatest decisions I’ve made regarding my blog is to start a Facebook Group to get more exposure and traffic to my blog. From my experience I found that Facebook group is better than Pages to get traffic even if your site is brand new one. Read More
The theory of the 4 Hour Work Week is one that those wishing to be successful entrepreneurs need to heed. On the surface, the notion of working only four hours a week seems nefariously close to a “get rich quick scheme.” Read More
Much in the same way that the average consumer is annoyed by cold callers on the telephone, but not by commercials on the television, most Facebook and Twitter users are fine with companies taking up advertising space on the website, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the user’s day to day intera Read More
There are plenty of ways to make money while traveling. So, if you been thinking about getting away from it all but need a steady income, then we’re going to be reviewing some effective methods for earning money while you’re traveling. Read More
One of the most important considerations when it comes to crafting a unique and recognizable web design theme is color. Choosing the right color palette can mean the difference between a successful website and an also-ran. Read More

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