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Sites like Digg are great for getting good links to your website. Good thing for you and me sites like Digg are a dime a dozen. There are a million of them. I have put together a list of a couple hundred different Digg like sites that I think will help you to get a ton of backlinks to your site Read More
Why is blogging so popular nowadays? Many people all around the world aspire to be a professional blogger. Have you ever evaluated the immense potential of blogging? Blogging can get you valuable & essential things in your life, if you do it in a right way. Read More
If you’ve been in the SEO game long enough, the title will seem downright absurd. There’s a trick to it however. The keyword is exposure and that can be achieved by proxy. Having your site appear in the top SERP’s for certain keywords is exceedingly difficult from a point on. When that happens it’s Read More
The dividends of local based applications are seamless and have created a new set of data that will have a resounding impact on generating leads, fortifying customer relationship and most importantly SEO. Read More
The recent introduction of the Bing Business Portal, now in Beta and a replacement for the Bing Local Listing Center has made me think that local search is going to drastically shift this year. I’ve been a big believer in the coming local search push for a while – I thought 2010 was going to be th Read More
Scott also has an amazing book that I have read twice called “UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging” where it goes into detail about how people are trying to monetize social media so much. Read More
Wouldn’t it be great if, in addition to the search results, you also got recommendations from friends, acquaintances, and even complete strangers to make your decision easier? Would you be more willing to give Dr. Feline a try if your coworker gave him a thumb’s up? Or, in the world of Google, a +1 Read More
Jeremy Shoemaker, known in the internet marketing world as Shoemoney has challenged Bartman, also know as to an MMA cage fight. They are saying that the whole thing is for charity but they have been battling it out since last August at Affiliate Summit East. Read More
SEO Providers are considered to be at the top of a reselling partnership. However, we all know that SEO providers should not waste their time sitting in their office chairs, relentlessly throwing commands to resellers and end clients. As a provider, you should have positive virtues as well: Read More
Facebook can be a powerful and effective platform to build your own community of raving fans on. With over 500 million active users, your ideal customers are likely hanging out there. So how do you get them to join your community? And more importantly, how do you get them to engage with you within Read More

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