Flabastida submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Is pervasive business intelligence an exaggeration? Should it really be for everybody, or just a select few employees? Hint: if everybody gains, and it's cost-effective to do so, why not? Read More
Sometimes we get so caught up in building our online business that we forget it's a long-term value proposition. What if you haven't got months or even a year? You've got to feed your family now? Then you have to go back into the traditional sales approach... Read More

Becoming a Fast Growth Company: How Does Your Company Compare?

Avatar Posted by flabastida under Strategy
From http://kpionline.bitam.com 5352 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 1, 2009 8:33 pm
Don't you wish you had a chart so you could position yourself relative to others in your industry, just like the Gartner Magic Quadrant? Read on to find out how... Read More

Are you a fast growth company? If not, how do you become one?

Avatar Posted by flabastida under Resources
From http://kpionline.bitam.com 5355 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 2, 2009 12:03 pm
How do you know if your company is a fast growth company? How do you become a fast growth company? Here are three measures to determine if your company is a fast growth company or not. Read More
What is business performance management? Is it only available for large enterprises or is it accessibl to small and medium businesses? Read More
How can you turn around a bad sales day in your store halfway through the day? Learn how Business Intelligence software can help your retail establishment and save the day. Read More
Small and medium sized businesses need to think simultaneously about three goals: short term, medium term, and long term. Find out how to keep track of all of these goals at once! Read More
You're in cost-cutting mode in order to keep lean and mean during the recession. However, there's a danger in cutting into your brains and muscle, thus affecting the viability of your company. Here are three steps to cut costs without cutting the important parts of your company. Read More
What can take you out of working IN your business so you can work ON your business? Business Intelligence tools. This is a primer for small and medium-sized business on what Business Intelligence is and how it can help them get a handle on all their moving parts so they can grow to the next level. Read More
When you start your business, your passion, the farthest thing from your mind are those little things that could eventually build up to destroy your business. Very eye opening interview about how to identify those hidden business killers. Read More

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