Onlineeducationpro submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The ins and outs of market evolution

Avatar Posted by onlineeducationpro under Technology
From 4124 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on April 11, 2013 6:40 pm
When a market does not exist, an entrepreneur must create it or recognize a need for it. At this stage, it is important to identify those potential customers who dare to test the product or service and are willing to provide feedback about its use. These customers are pioneers and deserve special t Read More

Accounting for your inventory– should you integrate?

Avatar Posted by onlineeducationpro under Technology
From 4125 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on April 13, 2013 2:45 pm
Accounting for your inventory– should you integrate?

Optimizing your inventory process – from receipt to picking, processing and shipping – gives you a competitive advantage Read More
Less than two years ago, Wasp launched a small business video marketing strategy featuring business videos on our YouTube channel – putting the Wasp brand in front of over 800 million unique visitors annually. Wasp works with partners to create and launch videos that demonstrate products in action. Read More
In this post I want to explain how someone could go about implementing quality content into their company’s website. In next post I will explain how to incorporate SEO as this element goes hand-in-hand with quality content. So, read on to find out how SMBs can, and should, incorporate content. Read More

Take Advantage of the New LinkedIn Profile Layout

Avatar Posted by onlineeducationpro under Marketing
From 4313 days ago
Made Hot by: PSchreib on October 8, 2012 1:15 pm
LinkedIn is following suit with an updated company page design. Like the Twitter layout update, LinkedIn company pages now feature a prominent image across the top of the page.

A couple months ago, LinkedIn initiated an ambitious redesign, making the primarily business-focused social platform mo Read More

Take Advantage of the New Twitter Profile Layout

Avatar Posted by onlineeducationpro under Social Media
From 4328 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on September 21, 2012 5:40 am
witter has taken a page from Facebook and introduced their new-look profile pages to the world yesterday.

The most visible change to the platform is the large header image that runs across the top of the page, similar to Facebook’s cover photo imagery for personal and company pages. Read More
Remember those Capital One identity theft commercials? They were pretty humorous, right? Unfortunately, when your identity becomes stolen, you won’t be smiling. Take it from us. Our business was recently the victim of identity fraud.

A few months ago, we first noticed an enormous amount of produ Read More
Millions of people flocking to such social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, social media has become a major recruiting tool to finding top-notch talent for your small business. Read More

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