Rperfect submitted the following stories to BizSugar

10 Simple Ways To Fix Almost Any Computer Problem

Avatar Posted by rperfect under Technology
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 4151 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on May 1, 2013 7:19 pm
Have you ever been stuck with a computer problem you don’t know how to solve? But you’re not a computer person. The phone keeps ringing, the emails are stacking up, people keep asking you questions but you’re stuck with some computer problem and it has just screwed your whole day. Read More
Follow this guide, and your meetings are guaranteed to be as dull, mismanaged and ultimately pointless as everyone expects. Read More
A funny infographic that describes six rules of productive meetings, but someone has a bit of a rant about whiteboard markers not being replaced. Read More
You've got a little bit of money coming in should you spend it on Advertising and accelerate your sales? Naomi Dunford give tips on what you should be thinking about before spending any money on advertising. Read More
There are some SEO techniques that can hurt your rankings. What's more some of these used to be considered "best practice" until reasonably recently. Do you want to know what not to do when it comes to SEO? Read More

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