2012Taxes voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you are always creating new content, it can burn a deep hole in your marketing budget…

A great way to publish more content, without actually creating more, is to recycle the content you already have and that of other credible sources in your industry. Read More
The content marketing conversation is shifting. Today's marketers can earn more with less by prioritizing quality and minimalism. Read More
Your future self has traveled back in time to share some very important advice, but you better read it fast. This message self destructs in 3...2.. Read More
Does being smart mean you will be successful? Not necessarily. Research shows that emotional intelligence (not IQ) is often a stronger indicator of success. Read More

Why You Should Let Your Passion For Your Business Die

Avatar Posted by sjeffrey under Self-Development
From https://scottjeffrey.com 2766 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on March 4, 2017 6:55 pm
We often hold a subconscious belief that we're "supposed to" be passionate or excited about our businesses. But passion doesn't fuel your business; it draws energy away from your long-term success. Read More
One of our most popular guests, Frank Danna, returns to share his insights on Snapchat vs. Instagram Stories and the state of social media in 2017. Read More
We need to find email addresses for the launch in 2 weeks – about 400 should do.

Damn… Read More

How Many Productivity Apps is Too Many?

Avatar Posted by shatekpatrick under Self-Development
From http://www.startuppers.biz 2767 days ago
Made Hot by: andriawhack on March 3, 2017 7:47 am
Productivity apps like Evernote, Trello, IFTTT are amazing. With a mind-boggling amount of recommendations, you've probably found yourself stuck. Read More
Building two-way conversations with your audience is vital for success. A recent study showed the importance of good communications. Read More
Given today’s widespread internet usage, it seems as though the concept of reading a book to absorb new information has become obsolete. After all, our lives have been transformed with the advent of new technologies and social media channels that often pump out answers before they even hear questio Read More

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