Algernon00ps voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small businesses have the most to gain from the shift to social marketing - if they only know how. In this article businesses will learn how another business has successfully used an fb page, why they need one and how they can make their page a success. Read More
Don't fall into the trap of unproductive meetings that waste time and have little positive outcome. Learn how the right planning can create better outcomes for your meetings. Read More
Are you an entrepreneurial woman (or do you know one)? The Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Women program is a national competition/executive leadership program. Read More
Wow--a whopping 28% of our leads come from Pinterest! If you're on the fence about using Pinterest for your business, this may be the proof you needed to get started. Read More

6 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Avatar Posted by sundaydriver under Marketing
From 4131 days ago
Made Hot by: partnersINbiz on June 6, 2013 3:09 am
Every day people make common mistakes. These mistakes whether personal or business can be deterred with simple awareness and certain strategies. In business, marketing is a key ingredient and it is important to be aware to the common mistakes usually made. How many of the following mistakes in mark Read More

13 Common Marketing Mistakes a Small Business Must Avoid

Avatar Posted by sundaydriver under Marketing
From 4131 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on June 6, 2013 10:28 am
To be successful and profitable, you must START using the most effective marketing strategies possible. Less obvious, is the fact that you must also STOP using the most ineffective, money-wasting marketing strategies. I call them The 13 Fatal Marketing Mistakes.

While this list doesn’t Read More
Over half of all Americans between the ages of 15-34 consider themselves active social network users. They regularly visit well-known social networking sites, such as Twitter or Facebook, or log onto specialty social networks, like Ravelry (devoted to the fiber arts) or GroupRecipes (for the foodie Read More

Email Marketing Tips for Writing Effective Emails

Avatar Posted by sundaydriver under Marketing
From 4131 days ago
Made Hot by: MindCircusMedia on June 7, 2013 6:11 am
From newsletters to order confirmations, email is an increasingly important aspect of the customer experience. There is much more to say about effective email than we can fit into a brief column, but the tips below are a good start. The e-business industry is still so inexperienced about email that Read More

10 Best Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Old Blog Posts

Avatar Posted by lakhya under Online Marketing
From 4131 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on June 2, 2013 4:17 pm
Take a look at the older posts and update it with new content or better still make some changes. It is likely that you have gained more knowledge about the subject. Read More
As the invisible gorilla test famously proved, we are sometimes blind to what’s happening around us, and oblivious to signs that sway us. To become more aware of how you are influenced by what you see and hear, and to get ideas on how to influence others, here are four nudges... Read More

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