AmitShaw voted on the following stories on BizSugar

So, your blog has survived the Penguin update and you are feeling perfectly happy with the things are. Now do not shot the messenger because here I am going to tell you something that might leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Yes the Penguin update is far from being over. In fact, if we [...] Read More
Your peers, your rivals, your business competition, your friends and family will most likely identify you for your brand. It describes you as a whole, so if you want other people to describe you or your business in a positive way, then here are some surefire ways to establish a brand for yourself. Read More
Most of us use Skype every day. It is a good, easy and free way to communicate. But what if it's not working? What to do then? Well, here are few steps to take in your quest to resolve the issue. Read More
Put some thought into how people can use your blog, website and even an app when they are away from home. You might just discover a whole group of people that become new clients. Read More
Holidays are more than an excuse to make more money. Here's how community involvement can help your business. Read More

Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits at Work

Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits at Work  - Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Human Resources
From 4278 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizsavvy on October 12, 2012 3:21 pm
Most people want to eat healthy, but have trouble staying focused and avoiding unhealthy food every day, especially at work. Here are some tips... Read More
Are you struggling with making money from your online endeavors? Take a look at the top 3 reasons why most bloggers are unable to make a living online! Read More
Here is a list of 8 sidebar widgets you can remove from your blog to focus your readers on the main goals and reduce clutter. Read More
If you think your assignment or project will take you a couple of days, before accepting the project make sure to set expectations. You need to inform your client that it will take you how man days to complete the assignment. Read More
Writing posts that keep people hooked on to your posts till the end is really a challenge, given the noise and distractions in the online world. But if you can do it, you’re golden! Read More

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