AmitShaw voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It is something which Matt Cutts had said is a fairly major update to the Panda algorithm affecting 2.4% of English queries and 0.5% of non-English queries. Read More
Best Piece Of Marketing Advice - No B.S. Grassroots Marketing - An Interview With Jeff Slutsky. Learn with Jeff has to say about Best Piece Of Marketing Advice. Read More

5 tips to be a LinkedIn power user

5 tips to be a LinkedIn power user  - Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From 4282 days ago
Made Hot by: Sun Tzu Business Guide on October 10, 2012 3:05 am
Nobody can deny the importance of LinkedIn anymore. With more than 175 million members in 200 countries and territories, the social network is the top site for business professionals. I have received several emails from readers of the blog asking if I could share some tips to help them leverage Lin Read More
In life if you embrace simplicity you will feel less stress, have more clarity on what is important etc. The same thing goes with marketing. One small change in your marketing efforts can make a big difference to the grow of your business. Read More
Here are 9 exceptionally designed websites for startups that can inspire your next design. Which websites are your favorites? Read More
A company profile, interview or story in a top industry publication can be a GOLDEN opportunity for small businesses. Increasing media exposure and coverage within your target industry often translates into more business opportunities and more growth momentum. An active PR strategy should involve s Read More

9 Ways to Make your Contacts Really Count

9 Ways to Make your Contacts Really Count  - Avatar Posted by BizBest under Social Media
From 4283 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on October 9, 2012 6:20 pm
Many small biz owners and start–up entrepreneurs relentlessly network to build connections. But while networking is valuable, connecting with the wrong people – or the right people in the wrong way – can waste valuable time and effort. Here's what you need to know: Read More

Why and How we Blog–Part Two

Why and How we Blog–Part Two  - Avatar Posted by cparmele under Marketing
From 4283 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on October 8, 2012 10:47 pm
It’s the 20th of the month, and you haven’t sent out your monthly newsletter yet. You panic and eat half a package of the new Candy Corn Oreos, and while they’re delicious, you don’t feel any better and you still have to find content for your email. Read More

How To Use Gmail Like A Marketing Machine

How To Use Gmail Like A Marketing Machine - Avatar Posted by MarkT under Marketing
From 4283 days ago
Made Hot by: DMDdistribution on October 9, 2012 2:49 am
Most Gmail users don't even realize that you can undo sending an email right after you send it. As a blogger, webmaster or an entrepreneur you tend to spend a lot of time on Gmail, but you would be surprised to learn the things you can do with Gmail to be an efficient marketer. Read More
Popups are really annoying. A user gets distracted, annoyed, and takes a bad impression with him while leaving the website..check out a detailed post on how user feels.. Read More

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