AmitShaw voted on the following stories on BizSugar

New TweakYourBiz Managing Editor: Congratulations Sian Philips!

New TweakYourBiz Managing Editor: Congratulations Sian Philips! - Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under News
From 4296 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on September 30, 2012 5:11 pm
I will be officially finishing up as TweakYourBiz Managing Editor at the end of September. Before I do, I would like to thank everyone for their support over the last few years and welcome on-board, our new TweakYourBiz Managing Editor, Sian Phillips. Read More

Business Owners - Stop Being Scared of Social Media

Business Owners - Stop Being Scared of Social Media - Avatar Posted by andreww under Social Media
From 4296 days ago
Made Hot by: focusmedia on October 1, 2012 4:20 am
Too Many Online Business Owners Are Still Scared Of Using Social Media As Part Of Their Online Campaigns. It's Time To Stop Hiding And Get Involved Read More

Blog Titles For People Or For Search Engines?

Blog Titles For People Or For Search Engines?  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 4298 days ago
Made Hot by: crozon on October 3, 2012 12:51 pm
It’s a debate that never seems to stop. No, I am not talking about climate change and arctic ice sheets. I am talking about blog post titles. The arguments go something like this... Read More
What kind of personalities does your startup need?

Read on to see if you got all the bases covered! Read More
If you’re in the market for a new responsive WordPress theme, you’re in luck. We just finished testing out some themes from MyThemeShop, and we have an exclusive coupon code that you can use to save 20%. Read More
Incoming leads and e-mail contacts from blog readers are important to the growth of any small business. This article will focus on how small businesses can make their blog work better for them by improving the way they handle incoming contacts and e-mail Read More
Hey Friends, I am getting many emails from my fellow bloggers and friends asking for some good tips to improve the Google Page rank so I thought of compiling those tips in an article and share it on my blog. Google adopts this PR technology to determine the rank of websites. Before I start with [.. Read More
Does Traffic affect Alexa? Does Updating Blog Regularly affect Alexa? Find out 2 Misunderstandings about Alexa that you have. Read More
I have been the lucky muse of Maxblogpress bring my blog visitors back Plugin widget since its inception because prior to its launch the SEO professional used to garner major. . . Read More

10 websites to find free images for your blog

10 websites to find free images for your blog  - Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Resources
From 4346 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on August 9, 2012 10:52 pm
In this day and age, writing high-quality articles is not enough. Visitors want to be entertained visually.

Adding images to your content will certainly make a difference in the experience of your audience, while increasing your chance of being found in search engine results.

"Now, how do I f Read More

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