BIZantium voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A recent study by Borrell Associates claims that digital local promotions are set to outpace digital advertising by 65% over the next four years to $80 billion, by 2017. In this year alone: local advertisers are set to spend 81% more on promotions than media-based advertising. Read More
Are you utilising digital media platforms to your business' advantage? Here's why the Internet can enhance the overall retail experience. Read More
The Harvard Business Review published a great article last month based on Gallup’s latest – State of the American Workplace. One of the shocking conclusions – 67% of Americans have been disengaged at some level over the last 12 years! Read More
Promotional products and trade shows usually go hand in hand. Many exhibitors give away promotional products and many attendees expect to get some neat gifts. With some careful planning, trade show exhibitors can get the most out of the giveaways that they offer at a trade show, getting them repeat Read More
No matter what business you’re in, there’s more than one way to make money in your business. In fact, there are multitudes of ways to expand your cash flow.

Whether you sell products, services, or both, there are many opportunities to create new revenue streams that your clients will Read More
It speaks to a company’s staying power when they can make a big splash, then follow through and keep the momentum going. Disruptive companies shake up their markets with innovation. Sometimes new products and ideas birth an entire batch of related breakthroughs. Other times, no one knows how to fit Read More
For years I've been saying that incentive affiliates do not work well for pay-per-lead affiliate programs. Yesterday was the first time (in 13+ years) that I've seen an incentive affiliate explicitly state it himself (on his affiliate program application). Read More

SEO Writing Myths That Can Get Expensive

Avatar Posted by sophia2 under Online Marketing
From 4099 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on July 11, 2013 4:53 pm
SEO is fueled by quality content, so you want to make sure that your writing strategy is down pat. While it isn’t easy being an online writer, it is actually the website owners that can ruin SEO writing and fall into a costly trap. Read More

Mari Smith: The Story Behind The Lady

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From 4099 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on July 10, 2013 8:26 pm
Mari Smith is a phenomenon in my eyes, and I’m sure for lots of other people too. Her warm and approachable persona comes across on Social Media which is a feat in itself as it can often be blamed for hiding a true personality. Having grown a large following on all the Social Media platforms Mari s Read More
According to a recent study, employees who pride themselves on being above average for multitasking capabilities are actually the very worst to carry out their duties efficiently. Read More

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