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BizRock voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you haven't filed your US taxes by 04/15, don't despair. The deadline this year is actually 04/18. Read the official IRS notice here. Read More
Whilst the announcement by the Chancellor, George Osborne, that he intends to investigate the merging of regulations for tax and national insurance (NI) is welcome, any likely improvements in this area will take some time come into effect. In the meantime with a new tax year upon us bringing with i Read More
Looking for ways to simplify tax-time? Whether you’re a small business owner, or a tax-paying individual, be sure to include these mobile tax apps in your arsenal of tax-prep tools. Read More
If you are a sole proprietor, a partner in a partnership, an independent contractor, freelancer, or otherwise make money on your own, you are considered self-employed by the IRS and you have a self-employed tax liability if you had net earnings greater than $400 from self-employment. Net earnings a Read More
Well, honestly this is the question I ask to myself many times even once a day. If you want to know what the answer I have for that question is, then definitely you will have bunch of it. Each and every blogger will have their own set of reasons for which they blog, it might be money or passion or Read More
What you need to know if you are considering filing for a tax extension. Make sure you understand that you still need to pay any taxes owed, and more in this article. Read More
Have you thought about the fact that the quality of the content you post on social media is branding you? You actually need to be a bit like a skilled politician and convey your thoughts and ideas in ways that have an impact. You need to influence by thought leadership i.e. ideas that merit attenti Read More
Organization is an important part of running any type of business. After all, you don’t want to be looking through boxes of papers when you need a particular document. Organization is important for running your business, but it is critical for your financial records. Make sure you’re filing receipt Read More
Are you a last minute person who botches up every time to only vow to ‘plan things ahead the next year’? Here is a ready reckoner for you. . . Read More
If you're thinking of starting a small business, or already have one and are thinking of hiring a few employees, what's in your way? Payroll. Not the act of paying someone - that's pretty simple to understand - but all of the tax issues, paperwork, and dealing with bureaucracy that comes with estab Read More

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