DigiTechBlog voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How To Become A Good Writer In Your Business Niche

How To Become A Good Writer In Your Business Niche - http://www.capturecommerce.com Avatar Posted by tomshark under Advertising
From http://www.capturecommerce.com 4115 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on March 28, 2013 3:28 pm
When you have a compelling headline, it will capture the attention of your readers, which in turn will get them to read the rest of your blog post. Read More
Sharon Hurley Hall provides an update to her review of Feedly, the best Google Reader replacement. They have apps for Android and iPhone. Read More

Why business owners should avoid RFPs

Why business owners should avoid RFPs  - http://www.enmast.com Avatar Posted by ingebridget under Finance
From http://www.enmast.com 4116 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on March 28, 2013 5:52 pm
RFPs are not a good way to build your business because you tend to shortchange yourself. But, if you respond correctly, you could win the business and earn the price you deserve. Read More
The other day, a reader of the blog asked me if I could recommend some tools to create an e-zine. A great question, I must say! As this is not an area about which I am very knowledgeable, I decided to do some research -- and educate myself in the process. I made some very interesting discoveries. I Read More
When businesses want to increase their sales and bottom line they often think about "adding" when in reality they should think about "subtracting" and "simplifying." Read these conversion tips based on human psychology and how our minds work. Read More

5 Effective Ways to Popularize Your Blog this 2013

5 Effective Ways to Popularize Your Blog this 2013 - http://www.webtrafficroi.com Avatar Posted by zubinkutar under Online Marketing
From http://www.webtrafficroi.com 4116 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on March 28, 2013 6:21 pm
Blogs and bloggers are growing by leaps and bounds. On last count in 2012, there were a total of 59.4 million blogs on wordpress and 87.8 million blogs on tumblr (Click here for source). The number of blogs in 2013 will Read More

Effectiveness of Logo Design is not Size Dependent Only

Effectiveness of Logo Design is not Size Dependent Only - http://netmediablog.com Avatar Posted by mavtrevor under Resources
From http://netmediablog.com 4116 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on March 28, 2013 7:01 pm
An appropriate logo design definitely plays a vital role in your business. Effective Logo Design gives a boost to your business brand. Read More
Building a mobile web presence leads to lots of questions for most small businesses. Why not tap into your most valuable resource - your customers - when making mobile marketing decisions? Read More

How to Write Quality Content And See Great Results

How to Write Quality Content And See Great Results  - http://onenaijablog.com Avatar Posted by babanature under Resources
From http://onenaijablog.com 4116 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on March 29, 2013 5:26 pm
If you want to be a successful blogger, particularly in this period of very stiff competition, it is important to write top notch quality content. You will need to ensure that you sharpen your writing skills – you must live, … Continue reading → Read More

How To Build A Social Network In Wordpress

How To Build A Social Network In Wordpress - http://www.k2seo.com Avatar Posted by k2seo under Social Media
From http://www.k2seo.com 4116 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on March 29, 2013 6:53 pm
With literally thousands of social networks available on the Internet today, ranging in niche from dating to automotive consultations, many webmasters are starting to see the potential of creating a social network. Unfortunately, building a social network has always involved hundreds of hours of pr Read More

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