HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are so many ways to find job postings these days, and social media is one of the fastest-growing methods of doing so. So which social media sites should you use, and how do you find where the jobs are? Here are a few tips: Read More
There are thousands of people who decide that they are going to start making money by launching a blog, only to find that it is not as easy as they think. The blog is up and you have started to put your content up. The articles are of a high standard, but after a couple of months you are still only Read More
But what if working from home was not a choice? What if circumstances dictated the necessity to abruptly leave your office desk and quickly shift responsibilities to the taking care of a sick or disabled child, a parent or even a husband for an indefinite period of time? Read More
If you’re currently working from home or thinking about starting your own home-based business, there is one thing that you must have to be successful – Conviction. You have to have already made the decision that you’re going to do this thing. Read More
I immediately went to check my email for further information, as I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why my Adsense account would be disabled. If you’ve been reading The Work at Home Woman for any length of time, you know that I’m religious about acting with integrity and following the rules. Read More
Just the other day I was pinning away on Pinterest, when I saw this pin with the title, love working from home. Curious as to what is was, I clicked on it and immediately knew that something looked fishy. Read More
Pinterest is making a big splash in the social media world. Not too long ago it was an unknown little company with no chance of challenging the big boys on the social media block. But it is beginning to make its mark online and individuals in the direct selling business need to take notice.

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I have been doing a lot of thinking about my business lately. In fact, I just signed up for a few coaching sessions with my favorite coach to work through some new products and client offerings. Isn’t it wonderful that we can change our minds? We can be whatever we want to be. Read More
Large national expos like this provide multiple opportunities for networking or meeting distributors, manufacturers or other business partners. However, smaller local events can prove beneficial as well. If you watch locally, you’ll most likely find a variety of craft shows, baby fairs, tradeshows, Read More
Medical transcription can be a wonderful work-at-home career … if you’re able to create and maintain a strong client base. Accumulating the kind of steady work you need to generate a comfortable income is admittedly challenging and it can take time. The good news is, once you have a stable of regul Read More

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