HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When you're applying for a job or submitting your resume to a prospective employer, it is vital that you have a strong cover letter. With a potential job offer at stake, it's understandable that you may put pressure on yourself to produce a high-quality piece of prose for every cover letter you wri Read More
Do you ever wonder what will prevent another company from using your same name? Or if you’re legally permitted to use the name you picked for your business? If you’re a small business owner, read on to learn about the trademark, and most importantly, if you need one for your business Read More
There are a variety of qualities that determine whether the work at home woman will succeed or not, but one that stands out above others is emotional intelligence. Read More
As you read this I am currently floating over the Pacific Ocean, nestled safely in one of many canopies that dot the deck of a pristine, white cruise ship. And, hopefully, I’m not checking my iPhone every three seconds, my heart gripped with an unexplainable fear that some terrible fate has befalle Read More
When it comes to getting a work-at-home job, the challenge isn't in finding jobs. Jobs are prevalent. The difficulty is in getting hired. Employers with telecommuting jobs are notorious for never getting back to candidates about the status of their application. Without contact from the employer, it Read More
If you’re serious about making money from your blog, you can’t sit back and wait for people to find it … you have to pro-actively drive traffic to it. Read More
Many times business owners have good intentions and nifty ideas, but they overcomplicate processes, and in turn they end up frustrating and losing customers. Read More
Have you stopped moving because you’re frozen in fear? Do you feel like you hit a brick wall and don't know what to do next? This happens to many of us, particularly when we are walking down a new path or starting on a journey that leads us into unfamiliar territory. You are moving along, often at Read More
Just a few minutes on Pinterest can open the doors to ideas for your next big event or even give you inspiration to start your day. For bloggers, Pinterest is a necessary tool to grow their blog and their blogging community. Read More
I thought Twitter was a joke. A maximum of 140 character messages? You’ve got to be kidding. There’s no way you can use something popularized by Ashton Kutcher and Oprah for marketing … Or can you? Read More

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