HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Would you like to start a business at home, but you're not sure what to do? Get inspired by these self-starters who created their own work-at-home jobs. Read More
Just started your home-based business? Apprehensive about filing your small business taxes? Here are some tax tips that will make tax season easier for you. Read More
To get a big tax refund, you have to claim every deduction and credit that's available to you. Here are some tips for maximizing your small business' tax deductions. Read More
Are you a content creator who is too busy to create new content? Get the most out of your ROI by recycling content, 5 tips for repurposing content. Read More
To maximize your profits, you’ll want to contain your operating costs as much as possible. At the same time, you’ll want to capture as many deductible business expenses as you can to save on your taxes. Here are items that home-based mompreneurs can write off. Read More
Handmade items have risen in popularity. Deciding the right product to make and sell from home depends on your goals, creative talents, and passions. Here are ten ideas to get you started. Read More
Working on your taxes early is less taxing than waiting until the last minute, but it does have a downside. Here are the pros and cons of filing taxes early. Read More
If you want to make money blogging then you need to have the right tools, blogging resources, and information to guide your way. These tools will not only help get you started -- they’ll make the process easier so you can start making money from home faster. Read More
Do you want to work from home? Are you organized and have excellent communication skills? Here's how you can work from home as a virtual assistant. Read More
If you run a business, you know how valuable your employees are to its success. So put the spotlight on your team and show them how much you appreciate their hard work and effort. Here are some creative ways to show your employees appreciation. Read More

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