HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Everybody gets the same 24 hours, seven days a week, no more, no less. It's how we choose to use our time that matters. While I'm good at creating daily to-do lists and using a day planner, I knew there was room for improvement in how I managed my time. In fact, this year one of my goals is to work Read More
Becky Flansburg is WAHM, Influencer, Blogger, and Freelance Writer. Her veteran blog Franticmommy.com shares her unique and humorous perspective on children’s books, parenthood, and women in business. She is also the project manager for the non-profit children’s literacy event, Multicultural Childr Read More
Some readers might recognize all of these terms while others will pick out only a couple of familiar ones. Still, others might not have a clue what any of these mean, and that’s where we come in to help out.

Here’s what work-from-home entrepreneurs need to know about these terms and th Read More
If you’re anything like me, you launched your business with the idea that you would be able to spend more time with your family, but as time goes on and your business grows the more administrative tasks that end up on your plate. Now you have less time to focus on what’s really important – your lov Read More
When I began looking for work-at-home jobs, I had no clue what I wanted to do, I just knew that I needed something part-time and flexible. My plan was to work in the afternoons when my daughter was napping, which gave me two-three hours of uninterrupted work time. Luckily, through my networking eff Read More
There’s no denying just how powerful LinkedIn is for professional networking. To date, there are more than 465 million LinkedIn users, and that number is expected to keep growing. It’s no wonder then that, from connecting with coworkers to checking out companies you’d love to work with, there are n Read More
Are you ready to work from home? With advances in technology and with corporate attitudes towards telecommuting turning around, there are more remote positions than ever before!

To help fast-track your job search, FlexJobs, an online job board that specializes in flexible, freelance, a Read More
Being a business owner is hard work, no doubt. Sometimes it takes awhile before we see any real measure of success. But what if things aren't going as well as you hoped they would? When times are tough, have you ever found yourself wondering if you should quit your business? Read More
Where it used to cost tens of thousands to start your own business, Holly pointed out earlier this year some great businesses that can be created with no budget at all.

But being successful in any of these opportunities means cutting through the myth of online income. Read More
I’m often asked, ‘How can I grow my business?’ The answer can be simple. To grow, we know we need more profit. That profit can come with more customers; more orders, or even larger orders.

So, how do we grow these numbers?

Here are five ways to grow your business. Read More

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