HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Has it been awhile since you’ve gotten a raise?

You're not alone. According to a survey conducted by Bankrate in 2017, 52% of American workers surveyed did not receive a raise in the last 12 months. Read More
Leaving a voicemail for a prospective customer and waiting for a callback is not the best recipe for direct sales success.

However, there are times, even in a cold calling scenario, when you will need to leave a voicemail for someone.

Having a few prepared voicemail script Read More
Making the transition from employee to freelancer can bring on lots of anxieties and fears. But with a little pre-planning and the right tools, you’ll be prepared to handle whatever comes your way. Here's what you need to know about making the leap. Read More
Work-at-home moms have the best of both worlds, right? We get to earn an income while staying home with our kids. But staying motivated while balancing work life and family life is no easy task. Here are some tips that can help you to stay motivated, so you can get your work tasks done. Read More
If you have a marketing degree, enjoy writing or blogging, or are well-versed in social media there are tons of work-at-home marketing jobs available. Read More
When your home is your office, you must balance the elements of personal with professional to achieve a tranquil and productive space. When you tackle home renovations, that balance gets disrupted. Here are some strategies to address the mess and noise and to maintain your productivity when you wor Read More
Recently, my husband went away on a work trip, and I was amazed at how tired I was from assuming all of his roles and responsibilities here at the house. For seven days straight, it was all on me. Household chores, errands, child care, school stuff, appointments, events — it was all on my shoulders Read More
Do you consider yourself a strong writer, or do you struggle with getting the words out on paper? Writing is crucial to your marketing efforts. Blog posts, product descriptions, website copy, email marketing, social media updates, and press releases all need to be written with care. Read More
If you want to become a freelance writer -- starting a blog is one of the best ways to showcase your writing samples. Don't have a website? No problem! Here's how to start freelance writing when you don't have a blog -- so you can showcase your writing samples to prospective clients and start makin Read More
When it comes to burnout, we tend to associate the concept with corporate office roles more than we do work-from-home positions. After all, how does one burn out when they can set their schedule, relax their dress code a bit, and do what they are truly passionate about in the comfort of their own h Read More

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