HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Your website has the potential actually to get you more leads, customers and sales, so settling for a digital “brochure” is a huge missed opportunity.

If this sounds like what you’ve been doing with your website, fear not. I am going to walk you through five of the most common ways business webs Read More
If you’re a freelance writer, it can be hard to make a name for yourself. That’s because many clients insist the writers act as ghostwriters, and thereby never claim rights to the work. However, guest posts could serve as a platform even if you often write for other people. After all, even ghostwri Read More
Have you ever been intrigued by the life of spiritual workers? Many people think that you must be born with an innate sense of psychic ability to work in the spiritual field. However, nothing could be less true.

Like every other profession, spiritual workers have to practice their skills to be c Read More
Are you ready to start your home business -- but you're not sure where to start? Here's how to make a website and set it up in a few easy steps. Read More
As an entrepreneur of two businesses, I’m too familiar with the word enough. For years, I used that word as though it were my business model.

I would show gratitude for a check that came in that was enough to cover a bill. And then I did it the next day. And the day after that. All I manifested Read More
If you’ve ever found yourself dedicating undue time and energy to finish just one task, below are some valuable tips to keep yourself from falling into a vicious cycle of unrelenting perfectionism.
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Maybe you desperately want to find a work from home job that will allow you to leave the rat race and be more present for your family. But with all the scams out there, how do you know if the job you’re applying for is a scam?
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Doubts, as a whole, are healthy as an entrepreneur. They keep you on your toes, and they keep you honest. However, there are some doubts that don’t help in any way. All they do is make you perform less and negatively impact your mood and mindset. Negativity, even in the form of the seemingly harmle Read More
I had never considered becoming an entrepreneur until the birth of my daughter. The thought of going out on my own seemed way too risky and what type of business could I run anyway? But once my daughter was born, I knew the traditional jobs I had worked in the past weren’t going to cut it.
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Hi there. Thanks! Yes, my name is Amanda Goldman-Petri and I am known as the “Work Smarter, Not Harder” Marketing Coach because I believe in using leverage and automation to allow for you to make as much money as possible with as little energy as possible. I was checking my numbers recently and rea Read More

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