HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

My path to becoming a ghostwriter was anything but typical. In college, I trained as an actress, learning how to interpret and become a character, and as a writer, learning how to tell a character’s story in a way that induces empathy and understanding. After two years of performing on stage and pu Read More

Practical Spring-Cleaning Tips for Your Business

Avatar Posted by HollyHanna under Strategy
From http://www.theworkathomewoman.com 3464 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on March 29, 2015 1:17 pm
Spring is officially here, at least on the calendar anyway. Are you ready? Have you been in a rut; have you thought about how you can project yourself and your business life forward this spring season? It’s easy to succumb to the winter blues and find yourself less motivated during the more drab we Read More
Is the photo album destined to become another relic from the past? The answer is no. But just like many traditions it is evolving and that means there is an opportunity to create a business to meet the needs of families who cherish their photos, but don’t have the time or skill to create photo book Read More
Ah, LinkedIn. When you’re new to the networking game, LinkedIn might look like the starched white shirt of social media platforms —a whole lot of “blah,” zero fun, resume website. The reality: LinkedIn can be the casual Friday happy hour piece of your career strategy; the place where you connect wi Read More
The deadline for filing your returns is a little under a month away. And, with around 20-25% of all returns filed within two-three weeks of that April 15th deadline, it’s probably safe to assume that a few of you are still working on those returns. A lot of small business owners depend on a solid r Read More
Whenever you step into a new phase of life; from having a baby to working from home rather than in a corporate job, there is a transition period. The transition is that period between leaving your J-O-B and actually supporting yourself in your new business. The initial bliss of having a new baby an Read More
Finding a work at home job can be very time consuming. Not only do you have to weed through the scams and sift through the various job sites to find the opportunities, but you need to make sure that the job is a good fit. Add in time for networking, polishing your resume, and practicing your interv Read More
I remember the moment I realized I was seriously undercharging for my services. The moment when, after years of quietly slogging away, I realized that if I really sat down and calculated how much I was being paid vs how much time I spent working (including time spent on unpaid yet essential busines Read More
I’ve often daydreamed of owning my own fashion boutique … with piles of designer denim, trendy new tops, and stylish jewelry hanging from eclectic jewelry stands. But where do you begin? How do you become a wholesaler? And my gosh, what are the startup costs!?
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With few exceptions, the most important business work we self-employed women can carry out during our workday is to follow up on marketing leads.

Marketing is the lifeblood of our businesses. When we quit marketing, we jeopardize everything we have built. Read More

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