HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Whether you’re in an office or working from your domicile, getting stuck in a routine is common for just about anyone who works! When you’re working at home, though, it’s easy to fall into the trap of just getting by. So often things feel rushed at home. You’re rushing to wake up kids, make sure th Read More
Why are you in the business you are in?

How did you get where you are today?

Your prospects want to know about you. Since the beginning of time, one of the most powerful ways to connect with people has been to share your story. In business we do this on our website, in talks we give, and duri Read More
As a small business owner, you know that social media marketing must be a part of your overall marketing and business plan. But how do you tackle this beast? Four years ago, almost every ‘fan’ your Facebook page had saw your posts in their newsfeeds. Interaction was easy. Engagement happened natura Read More
Six years ago I had an idea for a business. I was excited, nervous, scared and determined to make it work. I was also inexperienced and very naïve.

Here is a quick story of one of the many costly mistakes I made and a few tips, so you don’t make the same errors. Read More
When I talk to individuals about their dream work at home job — it always revolves around travel. After all, who wouldn’t want to travel the world and get paid for it?! But what does it take to be a travel writer? How much can you really earn? And how can you get started as a travel writer?

Last Read More
When I started a new business after spending 17 years in direct sales, I thought I knew the keys to success, being self-motivated, having passion, and being willing to take risks as well as the importance of setting goals. Yet in retrospect, there was so much more I wish I had known.

Here are my Read More
In this digitally-driven world, it’s imperative to have an eye-catching website. Unfortunately not every company has one of those, and if you’ve ever come across one – I bet you remember your experience with it quite clearly. Either it was set up to busily, or you couldn’t find what it was you were Read More
Regardless of your service offerings, you can benefit from specializing. Freelance writers, graphic designers, virtual assistants and even social media managers are able to niche. That may mean working with a specific type of person or on a specific type of project. The possibilities are endless. A Read More
Laid off? Keep experiencing the same lack of money issues? Frustrated because things keep happening that feel out of your control? Dating the ‘same loser’ for the millionth time? Business declining – again?

It’s common to keep experiencing the same patterns over and over again and become frustra Read More
Normally, I’m very practical when it comes to social media hype, but with Pinterest I’ve seen major results from my own efforts, as well as I know many bloggers who are having incredible results, because of pins that have gone viral.

Point in case, Mandy Rose and Meagan Paullin have both talked Read More

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