Jackibils voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Seemingly overnight, David Meerman Scott created the “World Wide Rave”, when collectively, a product, a brand or you are instantly known all over the world.

However the World Wide Rave has been around long before Mr. Scott was even born. It’s just that up to now, it was known as viral marketing.

Whether you call it a World Wide Rave or viral marketing, most of the time it happens by accident. Yet, what if you could create one? It would change everything!

You are in luck, not only will this article get you started, but included on this page are 3 FREE PDF format digital books, written by none other than the Amazon bestselling author David Meerman Scott himself, ready for download. No email needed, no opt-in, no obligation, no kidding!

Get all 3 today!
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Have you put the power of pay per click advertising to work for your business yet?

Many online marketers have tried pay per click ads but given up. Even more people are intimidated by the technical details or expense of PPC. Does that sound like you?

Listen to this episode of the Click Millionaires Show to hear Scott Fox interview Perry Marshall, author of Ultimate Guide to Google Ad Words.

This free one hour podcast can help you learn: How to increase click-throughs (CTR) on your PPC ads and cost-effectively attract motivated buyers with PPC advertising.

This podcast is full of important business-building knowledge – free for you! More episodes available at http://www.ScottFoxRadio.com.
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Looking for cool applications to help you make your blog or site all it can be? We’ve found some good ones! From ways to make sure your site looks good no matter who’s looking at it, to protecting your privacy and your content, these tools are all easy to use and either free or very low-priced. And they’re all web-based, so no downloading to your computer necessary. Read More
Today is “Quit Facebook Day” where users around the world plan to delete their Facebook accounts in protest over recent privacy concerns. Currently there are roughly 29,000 individuals who have pledged to delete their Facebook profiles by the end of the day – making up only a small fraction of the over 500 million users Read More
Want to know how to raise money to start a new company?

In this short video Scott Fox shares strategies and new statistics on how to raise venture capital, including his suprising advice that you don't need VC money to start a new business online today.

This is an 8:22 video clip from Scott Fox's ClickMillionaires.tv Show. Read More
This podcast from Barry J. Moltz looks at the trend toward remote work or working from home (or just about anywhere else you can think of but the office) and the money it can save for both businesses and their employees. Not to make things appear too rosy, there are, of course, some negative aspects when it comes to life/work balance. (You can reach a point where you're sort of always working.) But there are positives too. Listen to conversations with Margo Day, Vice President of Small and Midmarket Solutions at Microsoft; Chuck Wilsker, CEO of The Telework Coalition and Alexandra Levit, author and columnist for the Wall Street Journal and decide whether a remote work arrangement might be right for your business.
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11 Lessons I Learned Raising Venture Capital

11 Lessons I Learned Raising Venture Capital  - http://www.seniorhomes.com Avatar Posted by q4sales under Raising Capital
From http://www.seniorhomes.com 5146 days ago
Made Hot by: MMarquit on May 27, 2010 4:49 pm
11 Lessons I Learned Raising Venture Capital

We recently just completed raising venture capital, (a Series A financing), in which we raised $1.1M. The round was led by MentorTech ventures, with participation from Amicus Capital and prominent Bay Area and Seattle angels. We started fundraising in earnest in August of 2009, so from start to finish it took us 8 months. Raising money was a lot harder and took a lot longer than we expected, but obviously with determination and a bit of luck it can be done Read More
How can you avoid pyramid scheme rip-offs when looking at network marketing businesses?

How do you know if a MLM company or direct selling "business opportunity" is a scam?

Many folks try network marketing (aka Multi-level Marketing or direct selling) as their first attempt at self-employment. The work-from-home appeal of MLM may attract your interest, especially if it's recommended by your friends or family.

Watch this short video clip from the Click Millionaires Show for 4 quick ways that you can avoid direct selling rip-offs and MLM scams. Read More
Have you heard about FreeTeleseminarList.com yet?

FreeTeleseminarList.com offers you easy, free email alerts on teleseminars and webinars on 16 different industry-specific sign up lists.

Free education is a great way to advance your career and grow your business. With FreeTeleseminarList.com's email lists you can subscribe for emails about the free webinars and teleseminars that most interest you.

p.s. You can also use the FreeTeleseminarList.com service for publicity and promotion of your own webinars and teleseminars for free Read More
Do you need a trademark? Is a trademark filing important for a new e-business startup or small business web site?

This quick 5 minute video shares Scott Fox's small business startup advice on filing trademarks, copyright, incorporation, and how to protect yourself legally online.

It's another helpful free business-building video clip from Scott Fox's Click Millionaires Online Marketing Success Show at http://www.ClickMillionaires.tv. Read More

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