Jackibils voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I’m often surprised at how hard it can be to get business owners to think of their companies as assets, with value that can be built and extracted at the right time. Read More
Here's a video explaining the #1 mistake that most new web site startup entrepreneurs make.

Unfortunately, I see new online entrepreneurs make this same beginner's mistake over and over and over.

Watch this short video to see how just this one change in your business strategy can help your new online business successfully make more money online a LOT faster.

Research is okay, but I've Read More
Everyone hates spam. Through emails or messages, these daily occurrences have been so habitual, to the point that it doesn’t feel right when you don’t receive any. The word spam may also stand for a type of canned meat but that’s not what we’re focusing on, instead we’re looking at unwanted messages, unwanted tweets to be precise. Twitter had an amazing growth spurt to about 600 tweets per second Read More
Can social media help your career, even if you're NOT a marketer or starting your own online business? YES.

This short VIDEO explains how to use social media to get a better job, make more money, and advance your career.

Even if you work in a big corporation in a dead-end job, social media offers you an unprecedented leadership opportunity. And leaders get raises and promotions, right?
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What's your personal brand strategy? Social Media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are just tactical “vehicles” through which you can communicate your brand strategy (whether it is your personal brand or your company brand)... Read More
6 free Click Millionaires Scholarships – Only for Detroiters
($174 value).

If you live in Detroit and would like a free 6 month “scholarship” to join Click Millionaires, just leave a Comment on this blog post at ScottFox.com.

Please tell us why you’d like to join Click Millionaires and share some links or other evidence that you really are from Detroit. We’ll be picking 6 “scholarship w Read More
If your plan is to ultimately author your own blog, but you need some practice to find your voice or to build your comfort level, guest blogging on someone else’s blog can be a terrific first-step opportunity. Read More
Do you blog? Or do you have an email list that might be interested in hearing about Click Millionaires?

To help spread the word about Click Millionaires I’m offering 5 “review passes” to join my Click Millionaires private coaching community for free to selected journalists and bloggers.

Just let me know why you're interested and who your audience is. If there's a fit, you can get a person Read More
Wow, my recent post questioning Twitter's marketing value stirred up some controversy!

This short VIDEO spells out my concerns about Twitter's declining usefulness.

A lot of people agreed with me, a lot of others did not, and some people were personally OFFENDED. Even the New York Times picked up the controversy!

If you missed my "Twitter Jumped the Shark" post or would like more det Read More
Finding cost-effective keywords can help you attract new cusotmers using PPC advertising. The beauty of PPC traffic generation strategies is that you can test them until you find winning keyword/advertising combinations that make money.

Here's a helpful basic financial analysis process that can help anyone get started generating profitable PPC traffic...

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