Jackibils voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Online advertising offers numerous benefits for small businesses: the ads are priced significantly lower and there are tools that allow you to make sure that your ads are being displayed primarily to people who might actually be interested in purchasing your product or service. Read More
You can now build and deploy an interactive Web dashboard to monitor KPI s (Key Performance Indicators) in few minutes, with no technical knowledge (only basic spreadsheet skill). Best of all it is 100% FREE! Learn how in this post.

Tracking business performance is quickly becoming a must, but creating performance dashboards still involves too much technical skill (IT knowledge) and cost. You Read More
Scott Fox has 3 easy ways for YOU to win this week:

1. Win a Day's Promotion on AnyLuckyDay.com: Win a free day of web-wide social media promotion for your product on this fun contest site.

2. Win e-Riches 2.0 on my NEW Facebook Page: If you'll join my new Facebook page and leave comment, you'll be entered to win my latest book, e-Riches 2.0: Next Generation Online Marketing Strategies. B Read More
Scott Fox interviews Giancarlo Massaro, the 20 year old founder of AnyLuckyDay.com, a clever daily contest web site.

Listen to learn about AnyLuckyDay.com's innovative business model and how Giancarlo makes money simply by giving away prizes daily.

The combination of low overhead production expenses, sponsored contests, and consistent publicity via social media marketing channels like Face Read More
Do I really believe that you can make money online? Yes, I do.

Do I think that the FTC is babying you when suggesting that everything be labeled "these results not typical"? Yes, I do.

Do I have some insight and excitement to share with you that can help you succeed online? Yes, I do!

Check out this quick video clip from the latest episode of the Scott Fo Read More
The internet is a highly competitive place. Many websites get lost in the search engines and show little value to their business. Savvy companies realize the importance of SEO. Keyword research is one of the first and most important places to start when website optimization begins. Read More
ClickPredictions eBook contains over 100 recommended resources from top marketers including 39 of the best content marketers, B2B marketers, email marketers and social media gurus. Check page 17 for my prediction. Read More

Marketing podcast with Avinash Kaushik (Click to listen, right click and Save As to download – subscribe now via iTunes

[Google Analytics v2.0]

Avinash Kaushik, author of Web Analytics 2.0 is one of those rare people who can take a somewhat dry and mathlike subject of web analytics and make it sound easy and even fun. I got to spend a few minutes with Avinash for this episode of the Read More
FreeTeleseminarList.com is a free, email-based service that you can use to promote your teleseminars and webinars.

You can subscribe for emails about free webinars and teleseminars that interest you (great free training!), and you can also use this free service for publicity and promotion of your own webinars and teleseminars.

FreeTeleseminarList.com offers 16 different sign up lists so y Read More
Here's a new video book review of a Robert Kiyosaki book.

But it's NOT his most famous book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad . Have you heard of Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant?

See why Scott Fox thinks that this book is even better than Robert's mega-bestseller, Rich Dad, Poor Dad .

Watch this short video to learn the difference between being an employee or even Read More

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