Jackibils voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This week I read Seth Godin's Unleashing the SUPER Ideavirus on Vook. I really enjoyed the material, and I absolutely loved experiencing the content as a blend of text, video, and hyperlinks. This is my first time purchasing an eBook (I've read a few free pdfs) and it was an overwhelmingly positive experience.

But I still won't be buying eBooks... Read More
The Scott Fox Click Millionaires Online Marketing Show offers you dozens of episodes of free online marketing expertise.

Listen to these archived podcasts anytime to learn how to grow your business sales and attract more customers online.

Topics include Facebook marketing, pay-per-click advertising, online video, blogging success, email marketing, article marketing strategies, and more!

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Do you have to pay big money to search engine optimization (SEO) consultants to get your site ranked in the search engines? NO!

Here are 5 of my favorite NO COST web site design tricks that can help your web site attract more customers for FREE.

Note – none of these free SEO techniques require spending any money with SEO consultants!

Visit http://www.ScottFox.com for the rest of this Read More
Several weeks ago, Chris Brogan wrote about using mind mapping to collect his thoughts and organize information for blog posts, speeches, etc. I did some research and found a product called MindMeister that has allowed me to create a graphical representation of the online marketing universe. Since there are so many communication tools/services/platforms available, I’ve decided to break it down Read More
3 Ways to Communicate Better Online,learn three critical ways to communicate better online. If your freelance writer, or SEO writer, utilizes these techniques, your content will be effective.

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There are three simple but very powerful ways you can make sure your website is found by people that are looking for your products and services. Read More

6 Steps to a Rock Solid Online Reputation

Avatar Posted by taraholling under Online Marketing
From http://www.youngentrepreneur.com 5399 days ago
Made Hot by: omgzam on February 23, 2010 12:53 am
Anyone contemplating doing business with you will go to Google or another major search engine and research you, your key executives and your company. What they find in the search results will determine whether you have a new client/customer or whether that potential client has been driven away by negative comments and an overall negative perception of you, your company and your executives. Read More
Even in the age of the Internet, there's no denying the power of direct marketing, says Lois K. Geller is president of Mason and Geller Direct Marketing whose clients include both industry giants and small entrepreneurial firms. In this CNN Money.com post she shares some of her top secrets to marketing direct and getting results that will put your small business on par with the top marketing firm Read More
There are lots of activities you can do to fool yourself into thinking you’re making progress toward success.

But if you are looking to make money online, most of these activities are a waste of time, or at least premature if you are starting a new business.

Here are Scott Fox's Top 10 “Fake Progress” Time Sinks to Avoid. These are the 10 worst “Time Sink” activities that he recommends en Read More

Destinations are the Problem in Social Media

Avatar Posted by billrice under Social Media
From http://kaleidico.com 5401 days ago
Made Hot by: SkipAnderson on February 18, 2010 5:56 am
Here at Kaleidico, we work with social media quite a bit. Not only do we help our clients understand it, embrace it, and succeed with it, but we also use it widely ourselves. So you can imagine our excitement as we sat with about 600 other people in the online live event that Google conducted to announce Buzz, their next iteration of social media networking. Read More

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