JoshRed voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Talking about wealth and money is a sensitive topic for many people. If you are one of them, chances are, you are holding on to negative beliefs that you picked up from those around. Inspired by Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, we created this infographic to help you understand the Read More
You may have remembered way back when I was hit with a Google penalty here. Ouch! Right? I hope you haven’t been hit by one or get hit by a Google penalty in the future. That’s why I’m writing and revealing about this one for you. Read More
Are you looking for ways to blog more efficiently? This post shows you 4 tricks on how to write a blog post in 45 minutes Read More
* What's a Rich Product Pin? And what type do I need?

* Add a set of meta tags to each page of your website

* Validate your URL and apply to Pinterest for Rich Product Pin

* Wait for Pinterest to respond to application

* Check to make sure Rich Pins are showing up!
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More companies are investing in renewable energy (energy derived from natural resources) to fuel their operations. But you don’t need to be a high tech heavy weight to participate. Smaller businesses can benefit from a renewable energy focus, which doesn’t always require you to spend billions or e Read More
Are you leveraging your brand ambassadors (customers) as a marketing tool? If not, but you are thinking about it, read this article. Read More
The GolVerCoin is a new Cryptocurrency, and is the simplest and most valuable way to save, pay and exchange money at very low cost.

GolVerCoin is going to be part of the GolVerCard savings and payment network, all through a completely digital system. Read More
In this latest #TYBCommunity round up we include posts about lead generation with Facebook ads, effective social media, shortcuts to rule Twitter, what you are doing wrong with your press releases, how to value people, habits of exceptional leaders, grow your business and more. Read More
Marketing is harder than it looks. Marketers spend hours thinking of creative company slogans and sometimes they just end up being mocked. Have a look at these company slogans that got it wrong! Read More
Cloud computing is the virtual office where these days business is done. The number of web-enabled devices you can use is growing so now you can easily access a data base from anywhere, anytime in safe environment. Innovative changes are being constantly made which enables users with greater possib Read More

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