JoshRed voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many tea drinkers will tell you that for superior flavor, the best option is loose leaf tea.
Unfortunately, the drawback to using loose leaf is the mess involved with brewing it. This is especially true if you are away from home.
But a group of Western Washington University students have created Read More
Many tea drinkers will tell you that for superior flavor, the best option is loose leaf tea.
Unfortunately, the drawback to using loose leaf is the mess involved with brewing it. This is especially true if you are away from home.
But a group of Western Washington University students have created Read More
An honest SEO professional would also be honest about what sort of results they can and cannot help you achieve but what sort of actions they’re willing to commit to and share some examples of what has and hasn’t happened with clients in the past.

Read More
The only 100 words you should read today. These words will inspire you to take action, achieve more and make you more successful. Read More
The UK’s digital economy is thriving. Venture capital investment in London’s tech companies alone is 20 times what it was five years ago. Cities as diverse as Cardiff and Newcastle now boast growing digital tech economies. Now is the right time to shine the spotlight on this exciting network of dig Read More

How To Write an Executive Summary in 6 Easy Steps

How To Write an Executive Summary in 6 Easy Steps - Avatar Posted by TaylorBPT under Finance
From 3329 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on May 26, 2015 5:36 pm
Think of the executive summary as a one-page business plan – it provides a comprehensive overview of all the elements that will make your business model a success. Since it’s likely the first impression that investors will get from your company, the executive summary is your best chance of grabbing Read More
If you’ve signed up to receive my (suh weet) “quick wins” checklist, you may recall that the following page includes a short survey with a field asking for your Twitter handle. Why do I do that? Because I am slowly building up a Twitter list of folks within my community.

This means the folks who Read More
If you have never written a landing page before, or if you’ve tried writing one and failed miserably, let’s take a look at what makes a great landing page. We can begin by understanding that “writing” is only part of a landing page. In fact, there are many elements, and they work together to help y Read More
Toxic employees can cause many different problems around the workplace, and it can quickly spread. Dealing with the toxic employee immediately is essential. Read More
Are you a blogger and actively use Twitter? Do you use the right methods to make relationships and develop an audience for your blog? Twitter is not only about your blog promotion or tweeting about your posts. Today's especial post has some wonderful Twitter tips to make your blog successful with a Read More

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