Lisa12 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This post will give a rough idea how web tools can be useful in email marketing and how to integrate them with your mailing process. Whether you are going to use email for professional or personal use, there are still various reasons why you should use web tools in your email campaign, the most imp Read More
The emails are getting more and more predictable day by day which means the recipients are getting bored, and when this happens your email goes straight into the trash without opening or worse the subscriber could opt-out from your list which is not good. Change in the pattern catches the recipient Read More
Large and small organizations all look for first rate email service provider that gives network based suggestions for marketing that will help them take their business to a much advanced level. Your e-mail marketing plan’s victory relies upon a number of issues like your content, artwork and target Read More
Enhancing email delivery rate is count among the toughest practices in email marketing profession. Although this list is not complete but I am sure this will help you in improving your email delivery rate. Read More

Enchant Your Customers with Provocative Email Marketing Templates

Avatar Posted by Lisa12 under Technology
From 4208 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on January 20, 2013 3:25 am
Email newsletters is one of the very significant forms of advertising strategy which is advantageous for all kinds of businesses like small, medium, big, profit and non-profit. It is not actually compulsory to design the e-mail newsletters on your own. You can merely do it via email marketing templ Read More

Ascertain Your Sender Score To Boost Up Email Delivery Rates

Avatar Posted by Lisa12 under Technology
From 4211 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on January 15, 2013 9:03 pm
Understanding your sender score is sarcastic to find how your business is doing at offering emails that matter to your acquaintances. One more factor that can induce a drop in your score is incompatible e-mail marketing. Read More
The days of having the latest news when the paper comes on your doorstep at the snap of sunrise are long gone. If TV news and the occurrence of never-ending all-news networks started the downward twisting of newspapers, then the Internet accelerated it. Mainly what is within the newspaper is by now Read More
As we already discussed about subscriber retention rate which is more or less like customer retention rate of email marketing. Now we are going to discuss about how the customer retention rate can be improved? There 5 things to consider during the process of customer retention and loyalty. Read More
It can be calculated by subtracting the bounces and unsubscribes from total number of subscribers, then divide the whole thing with total number of subscribers. Read More

Merging Your Blogs - Part 2: How to do It?

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Technology
From 4215 days ago
Made Hot by: hbstuart96 on January 13, 2013 1:07 am
Merging 2 blogs is challenging - but very much possible. This blog post will show you how to do that properly.

This is part 2 of 2. Here's part 1:

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