LivFreeLivRich voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Businesses are using HOAs to educate, entertain and engage their audience on a variety of topics, but many are unaware of all the branding opportunities they're missing. Read More
The Congressional Budget Office believes that there will be a reduction in the equivalent of two million jobs because entrepreneurs and others can leave their jobs and get affordable health care because of the ACA. Read More
May is here at last, and to definitively shake off the Winter doldrums, small business owners should consider what they can do to ensure that they get themselves and their staff into a productive frame of mind. Read More
Confusion is often something we run from. Do you embrace confusion or run from it? It may be the answer for you to gain business clarity... Read More
Virtual staging is a way to furnish or decorate vacant listings and rooms… without having to actually furnish or decorate. You create all the elements of the space online without ever touching the physical place. Read More

What Emotional Responses To Colors Do People Experience?

What Emotional Responses To Colors Do People Experience? - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 3718 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on May 5, 2014 11:49 am
According to a new research at FinancesOnline, colors evoke a specific emotional response from a customer. This is important since 75% of all buying decision are emotional. Here are what specific colors mean. Read More

Top Mobile Apps to Accept Payments on the Go

Top Mobile Apps to Accept Payments on the Go  - Avatar Posted by HollyHanna under Technology
From 3718 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on May 5, 2014 11:41 am
Now there are a bunch of different apps that will allow you to accept mobile payments, and card swipers come in a bunch of different shapes and sizes.

Security is the biggest issue now. According to “Designing an iOS Payments SDK for Security,” one of the biggest challenges facing the mobile pay Read More
It’s been said that owning a small business is a lot like parenting a toddler. You must keep an eye on them every second – OR ELSE. So how do you do that? How can you, a mompreneur, nurture both your business baby and your real-life babies?

Below are a few tips to keep in mind … and keep you sa Read More
We inbound marketers have the system down pretty well, but honestly, it’s still fairly new. We’re learning not to dismiss any ideas until we’ve tested them. Here are six unusual inbound marketing tactics that actually work. Read More
Starting a business is all about seeing a need, finding solutions, then taking a deep breath, and plunging in. I soon realized I could not be the expert in all Read More

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