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What Makes Email Marketing So Effective?

What Makes Email Marketing So Effective?  - http://www.eggmarketingpr.com Avatar Posted by smpayton under Online Marketing
From http://www.eggmarketingpr.com 3275 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on July 16, 2015 10:52 am
E-mail marketing will always be important and vital to an organisation’s marketing strategy, inspite of the onslaught made by social media marketing and despite some of the challenges offered by the preponderance of e-mail scams. Read More

10 Ways to Improve Your Online Marketing Efforts

10 Ways to Improve Your Online Marketing Efforts - http://smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Online Marketing
From http://smallbiztrends.com 3275 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on July 16, 2015 5:13 pm
There are so many different ways to market your business online. You need to have your own website, a social presence, and maybe even a video strategy. Members of our small business community have plenty of experience with these methods. Read on for some of their tips. Read More
Every entrepreneur I know is short on resources, including time, money, and skills. The last thing they can afford is to waste any of these, but in my mentoring and coaching activities, I see it happening all too often. Waste in a startup is any activity that spends resources, but creates no value Read More

The 7 Most Popular Excuses Why Not To Build a Startup

The 7 Most Popular Excuses Why Not To Build a Startup - http://karolzielinski.com Avatar Posted by karolzielinski under Startups
From http://karolzielinski.com 3275 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on July 15, 2015 7:35 pm
Day after day I hear about new ideas for startups. From my friends, from my family, from people I don’t know. Only about the ideas. Because they don’t even try to implement them. Read More

Top 4 Time Management Tips: Productivity - alldayPA

Top 4 Time Management Tips: Productivity - alldayPA - https://www.alldaypa.com Avatar Posted by alldayPA under Strategy
From https://www.alldaypa.com 3275 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on July 15, 2015 10:17 am
As a business owner, you need to improve your productivity, so that you can increase your profit. But keeping a cool head when you’re running the show can prove one of the biggest challenges. So take a deep breath and a step back. Read More
Businesses are always looking for some creative ways to drive higher conversions on the landing pages. Here are some tips to boost landing page conversions for your website by optimizing registration process. Read More
Businesses are always looking for some creative ways to drive higher conversions on the landing pages. Here are some tips to boost landing page conversions for your website by optimizing registration process. Read More
Are you also marketing offline? You should. Here are some offline marketing tactics that you should employ in your online business. Read More
It's no secrete that video content is on the rise, and to stand out you need to do something that very few others are doing.

This infographic (featured below) from Salesforce, illustrates important marketing tips that you need to know to integrate video into your social media strategy. Read More

What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About Social Media

What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About Social Media - https://blog.scottsmarketplace.com Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Social Media
From https://blog.scottsmarketplace.com 3278 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on July 13, 2015 6:58 pm
Social media isn't a luxury. It's expected in today's always-on world. So how do you make it work for you and how do you maximize your time on it? Read More

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