MMarquit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Web based meetings involve all of the major components of an in-person conference except for the warm body because face-to-face contact is replaced with equipment and computer access to information. This rapidly expanding technology allows all participants to see and hear each other and share conten... Read More
When he was 8, Mark Babbitt used to sell a weekly newspaper and discovered he could earn four times as much from tips by providing stellar customer service. Today, with his new mentor brokership company YouTern, Mark is applying the same principle to fill a much needed gap in the market. Watch my Read More

Getting Into Shape When Working From Home

Getting Into Shape When Working From Home  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From 5017 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on October 14, 2010 6:23 am
When working from home, it is important is to be physically and mentally ready. I’d like to share with you some of my tips on how to be mentally and physically prepared to work from home. Read More
Could you increase the amount of work you get done with scheduled procrastination? (And is it really procrastination if you schedule it?) Read More
It still feels like a recession to many people, and the jobs market remains stagnant. However, there are some jobs that are expected to show decent growth. Here are 20 jobs expected to see high growth in the next few years. Read More
I interview Elaine Smith, H&R Block tax expert, about what could be coming if Bush tax cuts expire, and how to prepare for tax season 2011. Great information for personal taxes -- and even business taxes. Read More
It was my first week on the job as a new manager.
My management training program had lasted three months. During that time, I learned how to be a decent grill operator and was proud of my progress. When I took over my own store at the age of 23 (the youngest person in my unit), I wanted to show th Read More

5 Tips for Great First Impressions

5 Tips for Great First Impressions  - Avatar Posted by bestbizpractices under Marketing
From 5018 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on October 12, 2010 8:18 pm
It’s been said you never get second chance to make a good first impression. But, many small business owners do not pay nearly enough attention to their image. Your company’s image is inexorably linked to your brand. Find out how you can be sure your company is making a good impression. Read More
The ultimate quest of any organization or cause is to develop an army of committed fans, customers, employees, volunteers, or contributors. And yet, developing loyalty and commitment, the kind that makes people want to reach for their wallet and evangelize products and companies, remains a mystery Read More

Steps Involved with Buying Selling a Business

Steps Involved with Buying Selling a Business   - Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Strategy
From 5018 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Manifesto on October 14, 2010 5:18 am
Buying or Selling a Business is a process. The below provides a framework to define the process and steps needed to buy or sell a business. Read More

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