MMarquit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The insurance that may have been adequate for you as a young adult is most likely not going to be sufficient to meet your needs as mature adult. Read More
The passage of health care reform several months ago came with promises that some almost immediate changes would be coming. While a number of the biggest changes will wait until 2014, there are nevertheless changes just recently gone into effect that will affect you now. Read More
If you have a paragraph that looks good, there is a better chance that it will be read. Think about it. How many times have you looked at a document and groaned? The A4 page is one long paragraph.
Where do you start? What's the point of it? You start reading and by the third sentence, you’re bored Read More
How can SME’s maximise their chances of closing deals with potential business angel investors? One option rarely discussed is to improve their negotiating skills. Read More
Bootstrapping is fast gaining momentum again since startup entrepreneurs cannot get loans from banks and other investors. Some say it is an art. But for me, it’s more like a way of living. Read More
So is Sunday the new Tuesday? Well it really it depends on who you are targeting. You always need to keep the influencing factors of your target audience in mind. Read More
Latest Blog - Recruitment Agents Are Not All Evil - Part One.

Discussing some of the typical events in a Recruitment Agent's working day, with a comedic twist. Nothing 'serious', just an eye-opener.

Hope you all Enjoy Reading.


Steve Smithson
Managing Director
Talent Genius Lt Read More

Blogging Tools That Successful Bloggers Use Daily

Blogging Tools That Successful Bloggers Use Daily  - Avatar Posted by JohnPaul under Marketing
From 5011 days ago
Made Hot by: profit613 on October 25, 2010 6:30 am
Blogging Tools That Help You Succeed - Doesn’t matter what you need to get done on your blog, there is more than one tool to help you do it. Read More
Everyone is talking about how social media can help you jumpstart your business at no cost, and experts are springing up on all sides to help you do it at a high cost. So who do you believe, and what are the keys to success for your startup?

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10 Tips to Run an International Business Cheaply

10 Tips to Run an International Business Cheaply - Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Global
From 5011 days ago
Made Hot by: HipChick on October 18, 2010 7:05 pm
Depending on the nature of your business operations, your small business that frequently interacts with foreign suppliers, service providers, customers or business connections may be slapped with a huge expenses bill if you are not careful. Here are 10 Tips to Run an International Business Cheaply. Read More

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