MSEO voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I am a big believer in strategy and content marketing. I believe you can meet goals, build an audience and make money with content marketing. However, if the presentation of your content marketing, on your website, is bad than you have wasted your time and money. Read More
Everything I write about on Copypress is related to content marketing. I am a die-hard believer in the benefits off all forms of it, but today I want to discuss some things that have an impact on the effectiveness of your content marketing. Read More
Most bloggers want to provide great information for their readers. I have written about giving readers information they need and want many times. However, I see many articles where people are trying to offer valuable information, but perhaps without knowing it, are essentially selling snake oil. Be Read More
Six months ago I wrote 8 Mistakes I Have Seen Guest Bloggers Make. Each of these mistakes still applies, but I am going to discuss some more common problems. Read More
When you are trying to convince people to invest in a product, you need to “create a need” in your marketing. People don’t like to be sold to when they are doing research. Read More

Changing the Company Mindset About Content Marketing

Changing the Company Mindset About Content Marketing  - Avatar Posted by MSEO under Marketing
From 4052 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on May 24, 2013 9:18 pm
Many in-house marketers have told me how their company doesn't understand the importance of content marketing. They struggle, argue and often get no support to complete tasks. Read More
I can tell you right now that many car dealership websites and car manufacturers are doing a horrible job at usability and content marketing! Horrible! FYI auto industry, people use the Internet to research nowadays. Read More

5 Content Marketing Myths [A Slight Rant]

5 Content Marketing Myths [A Slight Rant]  - Avatar Posted by MSEO under Marketing
From 4073 days ago
Made Hot by: whitehatseo on May 8, 2013 1:57 am
Everyone is talking about content marketing, but there are some myths that can't be ignored. Here is a rant about them in hopes that we can learn and move on. Read More
A good image can enhance an article by appealing to a need & creating trust. If you claim something is true, an image that verifies that will enhance the article. Read More
As a consultant and SEO I work with a variety of industries. One industry I see that is failing at content marketing the most is the medical profession. Obviously there are medical groups and surgeons that are making an effort and there are some that are doing a great job, but as a whole this prof Read More

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