MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It’s not unusual for businesses to proclaim their commitment to the greater good, although only a few actually live up to their promises. That’s why Kickstarter’s decision to reincorporate as a public benefit corporation has pleasantly surprised many. Read More
Not happy with your ecommerce conversions? Check which of these 10 key elements your site's missing! Read More

College Football and Brand Development

Avatar Posted by lkpetrolino under Marketing
From 3274 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on October 16, 2015 4:56 am
Laura Petrolino explains how college football can teach communicators a lot about effective brand development and the elements needed to create strong and enduring brands Read More

How technology helps with relationships on social media

Avatar Posted by icleary under Social Media
From 3274 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on October 8, 2015 11:18 am
If you want long-term success on social media, you’re going to need to build relationships.
In this article, I’m going to give you practical tips for tracking and managing relationships using technology. Read More

How Progressive Is Your White Hat SEO Strategy?

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Online Marketing
From 3274 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on October 8, 2015 11:46 am
Google's been quiet on the algorithm update front but that's all set to change in a few weeks. Here's why you need a progressive, white hat SEO strategy. Read More
Last week I was invited by David Swaddle to be a panellist at the Sydney eLearning and Instructional Design meetup. The topic of the evening was Where is L&D Heading? Here is an overview of my answers, plus elaborations and suggestions for further reading. Read More
This week, Peter and Jonathan list their most-hated business buzzwords and talk about false assumptions you could be making about your business. Joe Pulizzi (founder, Content Marketing Institute) also joins in to talk about the six steps of the Content, Inc. model. Read More
Nowadays, local search marketing is extremely important if you want to get your business in front of your potential customers. If you are operating a local small business, your primary catchment area should be within your vicinity. You wouldn't expect people that live miles away from your business Read More
Graphic designers are important!

They make your business and marketing initiatives look good. But is that all they do?

Heck no! Designers serve many important roles that are essential to the success of your branding and marketing goals.
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Are YouTube Advertisers Paying for Bots?

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Social Media
From 3274 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on October 8, 2015 1:23 pm
A new study by European researchers questions the reliability of the method used by Google to charge advertisers for YouTube ads. In their study, the researchers claim that Google charges advertisers for YouTube views even when YouTube’s systems flag a view as coming from a robot rather than a huma Read More

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