MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In a recent study 86% of fleets have experienced a driving incident in the past 12 months. With defensively trained drivers being 20% less likely to be involved in a collision, discover why you should be investing in driver training. Read More

A Cracking Case Study: 4 Tips On Becoming A YouTube Sensation

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Social Media
From 3295 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on September 17, 2015 9:11 am
We look at how one chiropractor's YouTube strategy is helping his practice grow globally, and suggest 4 top tips to perfect your video marketing strategy. Read More
57% of Americans say that paying for experiences makes them happier than buying stuff. Our satisfaction with experiential purchases increases over time, whereas our satisfaction with the "stuff" we buy decreases over time. Read More
57% of Americans say that paying for experiences makes them happier than buying stuff. Our satisfaction with experiential purchases increases over time, whereas our satisfaction with the "stuff" we buy decreases over time. Read More
micro-location marketing is a marketing technique or strategy where the advertisement messages or the contents are being targeted to a small group of people, thus the messages are meant for a group of targeted consumers. Read More
Did you know that reviews can have an impact on your business? Here is how it can empower your business. Read More
How to do content marketing for your law firm the right way?The advent of blogging and social media has completely changed the way that people find and interact with the professional services they use, and those attorneys that take advantage of this new platform have an edge over their competition Read More

What images can I use online?

Avatar Posted by Martina Iring under Online Marketing
From 3296 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on September 17, 2015 10:31 am
Images, be it blog or social media, have become a huge part of any business' marketing efforts. The question a lot of small business owners are asking is: What images can I use online? More specifically: What images can I LEGALLY use online? Let’s dig into some options for images… Read More

Is Office Music Causing Distractions?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Management
From 3296 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on September 17, 2015 4:43 pm
While listening to music helps cut down the background noise in the office, it can also be a distraction and may prevent you fully concentrate on the task that you are working on.
Many people see listening to music as a method of spicing up their boring day to day routine. Although studies show th Read More

Peace, Success AND Happiness - You Can Have It All

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Management
From 3296 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on September 16, 2015 5:24 pm
Nowadays, smartphones and other mobile devices tend to forge the strongest ties between you and the office. And the ability to unplug from the daily stress of work becomes even more difficult.
Millennials in particular, more than other age groups, are the unhappiest generation when they can’t find Read More

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