MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you're hungry, you need noms. Stuck in traffic? You need tunes. If you're a Millennial at work, you need this book. Period. Read More
5 Signs of Unhappy Employees : Why Unhappy Employees in Office , how to become Happy Employees, Unhappy Employees Diadvantages, top 10 Employees Read More
What makes your business unique and stand out from the competition? Your Unique Selling Proposition helps to differentiate your company and it should be used in all your marketing efforts.

Before you start your annual market plan process, use this simple worksheet to zero in on your unique selli Read More
You have a brand new idea for a small business and the funds to start it off right. Good for you! The next step is to cultivate your brand from which all other decisions will flow. Brand consistency, brand identity, and brand persona or personality are all terms we hear being thrown around, but wha Read More
Time to adopt an offensive stance to protect online technology assets (business website). Empower yourself with information and proactive strategies. Protect your online technology assets (including websites) for peace of mind. Read More
Travel doesn’t have to be stressful. With careful planning and the right tools, it can be downright enjoyable. Here are some strategies I have learned from experience that makes it easy to get things done while traveling. Read More
The role of market intelligence has never been more important for CMOs.Equally as important as watching your customers, though, is keeping an even closer eye on the actions of your competitors.
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Top Startup Mistakes: Not Properly Handling Money -

Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Finance
From 3638 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on October 16, 2014 4:52 am
One of the biggest mistakes new entrepreneurs make over and over again is making a complete mess of the company’s money. You would think we would all understand how important money management is given that a business exists to make money, yet we all too easily let things slide that we shouldn’t or Read More
According to statistics, 4 out of every 5 smart phone owners use their device to do shopping and order services. Also if an ecommerce store has a mobile version, it is 51% more likely to generate business than web stores available in the traditional version. The bottom line is that ecommerce store Read More
Email marketing is dead, social media is now the best way to get traffic to a blog, right? This is what many bloggers think, but it's not accurate. Read More

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