MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Barcodes and the Internet of Things - @WaspBarcode

Avatar Posted by BLASTanna under Technology
From 3726 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on July 19, 2014 8:54 am
You may have heard buzz around the term Internet of Things (IoT), but do you actually know what it means? We explain what the term means, how it can benefit organizations, and how barcodes play a significant role in this technological concept. Read More
Content marketing is hot... BUT before you believe the hype, check out this step-by-step guide that take you from inception to practice to automating the entire content marketing process. Read More
If you've been seeing everything in black and white lately, we've got the antidote. Check out some great ways to combat a lack of creativity in the workplace. Read More
Payroll operations are complex and time-consuming, which is no doubt why businesses often opt to use a payroll outsourcing service.

Learn the benefits of hiring an outside company for your payroll needs. Read More

7 Reasons Your Email List Thinks You’re a Jerk

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Marketing
From 3726 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on July 19, 2014 9:17 am
Technology gives you the opportunity to say a lot about yourself without saying anything at all. People can read between the lines to draw conclusions about your character—which, if you’re not careful—can be quite negative.
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Social networking site Facebook was down for sometime, on Wednesday. The website and smartphone apps was not running. I post something on Facebook's Timeline Error message was visible in red in English. In many parts of the world had faced this problem, it is still not clear. On June 19 the whole 4 Read More
Hello Cendrine,
I wanted to send a quick note to thank you for mentioning our company on your blog.
Much appreciated,
XXXX Read More
There are so many articles on using social media for your business that it’s easy to go into information-overload. This post is an attempt to offer up the best of the best in terms of social media research and best practices; be sure to bookmark it for the next time [...] Read More
Goals are important, but it should not be your focus when you are working on growing your business. You should focus on THIS instead. Read More
So your business is on Facebook and Twitter; maybe you even have a blog in order to keep in touch with your customers. But just having social media profiles isn't always enough. Like any business practice, gauging how effective it is remains essential to success. Let's take a look at some tools you Read More

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