MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Videos have a good track record of engaging viewers. That being said there is always room for improving your video engagement. Here are five tips for you. Read More
Do you always get things done as planned? Let's face it - sometimes we lack the motivation to complete the tasks. What do you do in such cases? How do you get motivated? Here are the best daily motivation tips that you can adopt to achieve your goals, always!

More at the blog. :)
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It's Not A Race

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 2545 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on October 11, 2017 1:28 pm
Sales is like the old story of the hare and the tortoise, it is not the fastest that wins.  Slow down, and focus on winning not getting there fast.
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The Decline Of Television And Marketing To Millenials

Avatar Posted by studioculture under Marketing
From 2546 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on October 11, 2017 7:32 am
A recent study by Omnicom Media Group revealed that 47% of those aged between 22 and 45 watch no content on traditional television. Instead, streaming and mobile platforms are rapidly gaining popularity, with smartphones overtaking television in 2016 as the most-used device among millennials. And a Read More
This is the exact method I followed to create a blog from the expired domain of $0.99 and made $200 in 15 days.

Just follow the exact method I followed and earn some quick money. Read More
Google held the big hardware event yesterday where it made some of the most important announcements related to the newly introduced devices and updates.
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In this age of globalization almost businesses are international. Follow these best practices when working with clients from other countries. Read More
Find out what the differences are between Canadian provincial healthcare plans (e.g. OHIP, AHCIP, etc.), employee benefits (also referred to as group insurance) and individual health insurance plans. Read More
In today’s world, it has become a trend as many people do not like sticking towards one career in particular and likes to explore a new opportunity and change their career path. One of the reasons would be that they aren’t entirely satisfied with their current career for which they start looking an Read More
In this episode, I interview Lindsay Ostrom, founder of and author of the Tasty Food Photography ebook. She also co-founded Food Blogger Pro, a membership site for developing and monetizing food content.

Lindsay explains why short videos work and how to create a hook that captures Read More

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