MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Challenged with duplicate leads? See how Grazitti's custom de-dupe solution can cleanse and de-dupe your existing records in Marketo. Read More
Nothing in life is certain, so start taking risks, experimenting, accepting failure and learning from mistakes - you just might discover who you really are.
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Time is of the essence when you're launching a new startup or small business so it's important to get out there as soon as possible, but it's also important that you don't fully launch your new business before you're ready; so here's how to "launch" before you're actually ready to launch.
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When raising your first round of capital, there are a few common mistakes many entrepreneurs make. To help you become a savvy founder we asked entrepreneurs for their advice in avoiding them. Read More
Back in 2013, we wrote about whether or not a cache plugin will help your SEO, and almost three years later it seems that the WordPress W3 total cache plugin may have a monopoly on the different plugins out there. It’s still the most popular, but unfortunately the idea of a cache plugin in general Read More
Instead of removing seller listings for brand name misuse (in other words, keyword spamming) eBay has resorted to editing listings, observers have reported.
Previously, eBay simply removed listings that violated its policy and would send out an email to the seller notifying them of the same. Howev Read More

How Non-Profits Can Best Generate Engagement on Social Media

Avatar Posted by divahound under Marketing
From 3187 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on January 4, 2016 11:50 am
Whatever type or size of business you are running, developing your social media strategy can be a bit of a challenge. Non-profit organizations can often face specific challenges – whether it’s because of the involvement of volunteers, the specialty area in which they work, or just through a general Read More
Content, content, content. The ever so tedious but necessary element in social media marketing. A good way to create content, generate interest or turn non – visual content into visual content is to use infographics in your social media marketing.Infographics are a great way to compile information Read More
For this eleventh day of Christmas, we’re visiting with Elly Prior, of, who was a professional counsellor from the Netherlands, living in the UK.

Over the years, she taught herself how to use various programs to create her own marketing materials. She started with br Read More

5 Examples of Ancient Content Marketing in Action

Avatar Posted by jdquey under Online Marketing
From 3187 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on January 1, 2016 1:32 pm
If I say content marketing is a big freaking deal for business, most people would either say something along the lines of “That’s an understatement.”

But the thing is, content marketing has been a big freaking deal for a very, very long time.

Well over 100 years, in fact.

Here are 5 exampl Read More

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