ObjectOriented voted on the following stories on BizSugar

"Not every small business will hit the jackpot the way Blendtec did. But every small business should be actively marketing itself with content." Read More

Disruptive Growth Strategy Business Models

Disruptive Growth Strategy Business Models - http://tycoonplaybook.com Avatar Posted by LarryWildman under Strategy
From http://tycoonplaybook.com 4180 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on January 30, 2013 7:55 am
With Zara founder Amancio Ortega now ranked as the world’s third richest man after Carlos Slim Helu and Bill Gates, it’s a good time to take a look at the disruptive growth strategy he used to build the company into a global retail juggernaut. If you are not familiar with the brand think of Zara as Read More
An easy-to-understand definition of search engine optimization or SEO. Why it is important, and what small business owners need to pay attention to when deciding who to hire. Read More
Ideas and creation are bigger than ordinary business and blogging plans. I encouraged ideas generation and opportunity utilization in the article 'How a blogger can learn from Super Bowl XLVII Event of American Football' of mine. Read More

How Social Media Benefits Online Businesses

How Social Media Benefits Online Businesses - http://www.k2seo.com Avatar Posted by k2seo under Social Media
From http://www.k2seo.com 4180 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on January 29, 2013 1:21 pm
A business website requires constant marketing in order to reach out to its clients, promoting the many products and services it’s got to offer. With social media, one can simply market their website in order to attract a lot more people. Through Read More
Facebook is perfect for promoting jewellery & accessories. It serves your customers like an online catalogue. Fans can browse through your items easily and accessibly, while making purchases instantly. It’s also the perfect place to show off your brand’s personality and target your market.

In th Read More

business data security

business data security - http://dan.co.ke Avatar Posted by dan.co.ke under Management
From http://dan.co.ke 4180 days ago
Depending on what you do,you can be a victim of sabotage attack driven by business competition or sensitive information in your possession.Whatever the reason,it is important to be ready for such an eventuality.

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In the early days of blogging, it didn't take much work to get a blog launched, articles written and an audience flowing and engaging. The novelty was such that if you happened to get in on the ground floor, you could own a blog that was head and shoulders above the rest. Read More
These are the four deadliest SEO tools... one of them is so good i even had to pay for it twice... LOL kidding Read More
Adsense is the one of the best monetizing options for publishers, but getting an Adsense approval is a difficult task, google is very strict with their Adsense policies, I also got Adsense after 3,4 disapprovals, but when you apply for Adsense from same email, then you will not able to apply from s Read More

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