Pakiisp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

So you are finally finished writing your guest article and want it to be published on a blog in your niche, but the question is Which blog, there are a million top blogs which write on the same topic as you do You submit the post on any top blog; say the best blog in your niche Read More
Are you blogging for the first time? If you want to make money with your first blog, you have to understand the rules in blogging.First of all, blogging is about sharing, not making money. So, even though your goal is to make money, sharing is the first thing that you need to do. Read More

How to Write a Fantastic Blog Post in 45 Minutes

How to Write a Fantastic Blog Post in 45 Minutes - Avatar Posted by thejkamath under Online Marketing
From 4111 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on April 4, 2013 4:56 pm
If I’m spending more than 45 minutes on an article, I get a little nervous. I know that every minute I spend on a post is a minute I don’t have for marketing, sharing, and basically just building an awesome business.

If all your time is spent writing, you might have a killer blog with fantastic Read More

Great Tips From Pradeep Kumar to Get More Guest Authors

Great Tips From Pradeep Kumar to Get More Guest Authors - Avatar Posted by skyhitblog under Marketing
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on April 3, 2013 8:22 pm
Let me tell you HBB have more than 700+ guest authors(of which I’m one). I’ve guest posted on HBB many times and every time it helped me to expose my blog to more and more people.HBB makes sure to the readers that a particular post is written by a guest author, so by seeing this, they too get inter Read More

How to Become a Popular Blogger in this Crowded Blogosphere?

How to Become a Popular Blogger in this Crowded Blogosphere? - Avatar Posted by skyhitblog under Marketing
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: Pakiisp on April 4, 2013 6:20 pm
There are people who starts blogging just because they like it and some are there who blog for a certain reason. Why do you blog? Do you blog to earn money? or do you blog to get fame? Yes blogging can give you both money and fame but before that you... Read More
Blogging has come to stay, and because there are so many blogs on the internet today, it can be very tough to distinguish your own blog from all of the others Read More
Google AdSense is something that you must have heard of but you must not be aware of the ways in which it can be leveraged to boost your online income resources Read More
Proper Ad placement is one of the key factors that decide how much you earn from your website or blog. With the best strategy on Adsense Ad placement, you can increase your ad’s CTR and set a stage for some good income. Read More
Blogging for passion or for money has become very popular in these years and especially more and more people everyday choose blogs for advertise their business.
Blogs can help you to connect with your customers, make some advertising without investing a lot of money and publish information about y Read More

Benefits of full time Education for a Blogger?

Benefits of full time Education for a Blogger? - Avatar Posted by geekstrack under Social Media
From 4112 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on April 3, 2013 2:53 pm
College life is the best part of life, when you study in college you met with many people some are genius some are good in sports, but all have their own specialties and sometimes you find people like you. Read More

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