Pakiisp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Adding A Clickable Link To Your YouTube Video

Adding A Clickable Link To Your YouTube Video  - Avatar Posted by babanature under Social Media
From 4113 days ago
Made Hot by: mavtrevor on April 4, 2013 4:31 pm
First off let me say this to everybody reading this post, Happy new month guyz. Ok! Here is how i am taking off; A friend saw one of my YouTube video’s and ask me how I did a click-able “subscribe … Read More

Automate repetitive tasks with iMacros on your Browser

Automate repetitive tasks with iMacros on your Browser - Avatar Posted by mavtrevor under Resources
From 4113 days ago
Made Hot by: Theodore1988 on April 4, 2013 9:29 pm
Ever wondered how you could automate a repetitive task? I love “automations” and I find iMacros very useful. iMacros is an awesome browser-based macro recorder that can record and automate tasks on its own. Macros automate repetitive tasks and thus help one save time. Read More
Most of the bloggers know how to write unique and killer posts, but they don’t know the importance of blog promotion and how to promote blog posts through genuine ways. Read More
Google Ad sense happens to be one of the best approaches when you are considering monetizing your site. A large number of webmasters are struggling to earn as much as they can via their portals whereas there are others earning hundreds of dollars every day by making use of Google Ad sense Adverts o Read More
It is not easy for everyone to make your blog better. It requires few simple tips with the topping of your determination. This article will highlight few tips to make your blog better than others. Read More

The Easiest Ways to Make Money Online

The Easiest Ways to Make Money Online - Avatar Posted by Pakiisp under Strategy
From 4116 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on March 30, 2013 1:29 pm
There are many ways that you can employ to make money online. Apart from these ways being easy and fast, they are also flexible. In fact, you can easily Read More
The recent Google panda algorithm update negatively impacted the organic search traffic of many bloggers. How important is Google search traffic to you? Read More

High PR Dofollow Blogs for Backlinks and Commenting

High PR Dofollow Blogs for Backlinks and Commenting - Avatar Posted by geekstrack under Advertising
From 4117 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on March 30, 2013 8:22 pm
High PR Dofollow Blogs for Backlinks and Commenting, Page ranked Blogs for building backlinks for free, backlink building for free. Read More

Putting Your Blog on a Spam-Free Diet

Putting Your Blog on a Spam-Free Diet - Avatar Posted by supermedia under Online Marketing
From 4117 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on April 2, 2013 2:32 pm
If you’ve been blogging for more than four hours, then you’ve no doubt run into the annoying heartbreak of comment spam. Read More
Do you love blogging? I know you do & I love blogging as well. But do you love writing long-long articles one after another? Sometimes we love it but sometimes the burden increases so much that we feel like “blogging sucks”, and it’s a real fact. BLOGGING SUCKS Let me tell you, why blogging sucks. Read More

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