TomBirches voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Any additional income always makes sense at any time. But during tough economic times, most everything becomes more difficult. It is hard to earn money and most things that we need to buy become more expensive. It is therefore natural to be more afraid to make decisions that will involve putting money into a business. On one hand, people are not as eager to buy and on the other hand, the cost of making your product is more expensive. Almost any business is squeezed on both ends. Read More
I think many small business owners would like to have a better understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) but most are just too busy trying to run their venture and don’t necessarily have the time to learn Read More
Many small business owners rely upon their personal insurance to cover their small business. This is, especially true, of home business owners Read More
If you're starting a new business, a small business loan can help you get started by providing working capital to build a store, buy inventory Read More
Small Firms Would Be Biggest Benefactors of Tort Reform Legislation Alan Greenspan's support for tax relief will help small businesses surviv Read More
Twitter is now just as well known as Facebook, though it has a lot fewer users, says a new report from Edison Research and Arbitron. More than two out of five (42 percent) of those surveyed are using the service to learn more about products and services, and 41 percent are using it to swap reviews. Read More

10 Forums Every Young Entrepreneur Should Belong To

10 Forums Every Young Entrepreneur Should Belong To  - Avatar Posted by benmaxmime under Online Marketing
From 5155 days ago
Made Hot by: PeaceNLove on May 13, 2010 3:20 pm
Here are 10 forums that every entrepreneur should belong to. If you're looking to learn entrepreneurship, network and ask questions, these forums are perfect Read More
You pour your heart, soul, effort, time and wisdom into your original biz-blog posts and articles. But what about ownership of and rights to your ideas once you hit "ENTER" or "SUBMIT?" The answers may surprise you Read More
Have you aligned your goals and dreams with your values? In my opinion this is the number one reason people do not achieve their goals! Read More
On the thoughtLEADERS Blog, Mike Figliuolo recommends that more CEOs do their work from a cubicle, reaping returns including walking the egalitarian talk and understanding the workplace culture better. This post shares 5 small business leaders who have gone down this path Read More

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