TomBirches voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Advances in the Internet have completely changed the playing field for small businesses trying to build a brand identity and establish a web presence for themselves. The changes have come so fast and have been so dramatic that it can be intimidating to try to keep up with them, but it’s important to know the landscape, and to have an understanding of some web marketing basics. Read More
Every small business owner understands the importance of selling during a recession. It can mean the difference between making payroll and going bankrupt. Read More
Got my final results yesterday and honestly, I wasn’t too please with the overall scores. Sure, I could have done better if I put in more effort but teenage angst got the better of me. In light of the results, I started thinking about my future career. Would I be happier working for someone else or pursue something that’s lingering at the back of my mind; being my own boss.
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How To Get A Golden Touch Mindset

How To Get A Golden Touch Mindset  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From 5204 days ago
Made Hot by: omgzam on March 24, 2010 5:00 pm
Online business professionals have to deal with issues which can have a huge impact on their success. Here's a look at how a golden touch mindset can help you find the traction you need to move your business forward. Read More

23 Great Direct Mail Tips For Entrepreneurs

23 Great Direct Mail Tips For Entrepreneurs  - Avatar Posted by jsternal under Direct Marketing
From 5204 days ago
Made Hot by: iannarino on March 24, 2010 4:59 pm
When done correctly, direct mail can be a highly effective resource for entrepreneurs and small businesses, even when working together with email marketing. Here are 23 ways your direct mail may be failing you. And although there is talk that the U.S. Postal Service is going to cut down the number of days it delivers mail, entrepreneurs will still capitalize from direct mail to grow their busines Read More
In this day of specialization in business, you might feel overwhelmed by all the factors involved in doing your own work, especially if you’re a small business owner. After all, if your main skill is making lovely pottery and you’ve never been mathematically inclined, you can feel like you’re spending way too much time keeping track of all the finances involved in the sale of your products. Read More
If you don't want to work from home, but can't afford to rent an office space, then perhaps the best alternative for you is a coworking space. Here's a look at 8 reasons why you may choose coworking over another arrangement. Read More
The small business world is divided into two distinct camps: "haves" and "have nots". Those small business owners who have all the clients they need and have great success attracting new ones……also have a marketing plan.
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If you want to show your business to the world, then use the internet technology. The evolution of technology has become an advantage for small businesses that it gives small business an opportunity to become global. Read More
It is necessary for a business to have a clear credit score. This is one aspect of small business that one must work out. If you have a clear credit score, you can have the opportunity to acquire financing easily. Read More

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