TomBirches voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We talk a lot about taking the time to manage customer reviews and it makes sense to do so. Online reviews grow legs: The search engines are aggregating them, Read More
Think Twitter is just some silly Internet fad with no real impact on your business? Think again! With an estimated 75 million people sending over 1.5 billion messages (or “tweets”) a month, Twitter is an increasingly important way to connect with your customers and prospects – one you can’t afford to ignore! Read More
How many times have you heard about blogging: it’s not brain surgery? Problem is, most of what you read about blogging makes assumptions you don’t know. Get the background info nobody gave you. Read More
101 Marketing Strategies: Real marketing strategies that are working right now in the real world in terms of marketing your business. Read More
Always be optimizing. This is the mindset required to drive and strengthen your online presence to the point where you are always “found” wherever people are searching for your keywords. This includes prospects who are searching Google Images. You have to view images as additional mechanisms for delivering your keyword content. Read More
Here’re five of the quickest, easiest (and Free) ways to get drive traffic to your local business website today. Read More
As you probably already know, the more websites that link to your website, the higher you’ll rank in search engines. Now there are a lot of shady ways to get backward links, such as buying text links from brokers or website owners. So instead of going with the short-term route, here are some legitimate ways you can build links so that you can boost your search engine traffic. Read More
Many people get into business having a very good understanding of a product or service, yet have no idea how to actually market it. Over the last several Read More
As a business owner, developing different forms of small business income can be very beneficial. When you do not have to rely on one source of income, it can make things a lot easier on you and your business. Here are a few of the different forms of small Read More
Based on what has been seen and reported, it is reasonable to wonder if commercial banking has more big problems lurking in the wings. For the past year, most Read More

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