TomBirches voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A self-configured method to receive notification for new replies in Facebook Discussion threads. Follow up conversations and respond to fans immediately. Read More
While most aspiring entrepreneurs tend to think big, starting a business on a micro level can have it's advantages. Starting super-small will allow you to build thorough knowledge and experience, keep things simple and focused, and naturally scale to account for growth. Read More
Want greater ROI from your PPC campaigns? Adding a "conversion tracking feature" can help you optimize your account for greater profitability. Read More
Go For No! by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz and The Greatest Salesman In the World by Og Mandino are two must-haves for every sales library. Read More
Have you claimed your local business listing on the top three search engines? It's free, easy, and vital for your business. Read More
My son is a high-school senior, which means that the volume of college recruiting direct mail has been careening into our home mailbox faster than the Long Island RR rolling into Penn Station at rush hour. As my friend Helen Klein Ross has pointed out, direct mail marketing may be in decline in most places… but it's alive and well and thriving in college marketing. Read More

Small Business Starting to Use Social Media Successfully

Small Business Starting to Use Social Media Successfully - Avatar Posted by TomBirches under Social Media
From 5229 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on March 4, 2010 2:01 am
I talk about small business Internet marketing more than anything else since a lot of people that I know are small business people. That’s why I blog about their experiences and their issues because these people are often viewed as the backbone of any true economic recovery that might take place. Read More
Soon after the announcement of President Obama's proposal to provide substantial tax credits to small businesses that increase hiring, the news is mixed: Some say that small businesses are just beginning to add jobs, while others say that Obama's plan isn't likely to persuade small businesses to increase hiring for a long time. Read More
When things are going great and a small business owner sees the chance to learn something from a small business owner friend, there is no hesitation to reach out and ask for insight into how something works, or how to do something better.

So I know small business owners have the ability to ask for help. Read More

2 Ways to Create Influence and Persuade Others for Salespeople

2 Ways to Create Influence and Persuade Others for Salespeople - Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5229 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on March 5, 2010 2:02 am
Real influence, the real ability to persuade others, is based on the foundational attributes of success. They aren’t tactical, and they are what make you someone worth listening to. Build on these two points to build influence and persuade others. Read More

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